Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kissel



Wolfgang Stephan Kissel

University Professor, Literatures and Cultures of Eastern Europe

Institute of European Studies

Bremen University, Germany



Theory of civilization / theory of memory, sites of memory in contemporary Europe

Historical Semantics

Cultural / Literary Studies/ (Modern Russian Literature, Slavonic Literatures, Eastern European Cultural History, comparative studies of French, Russian and English culture and literature)



1999 Postdoctoral qualification, Slavonic Literatures and Cultures („Habilitation“), University of Bremen

1987 State examination, German Federal Foreign Office, Bonn

1987 PhD, Slavonic cultures and literatures, French language and literature, University of Basel

1986-1987 Advanced courses of Polish language and culture, School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies, London

1985-1987 German Federal Foreign Office, Bonn/London

1983-1985 Post-graduate studies, University of Basel

1982 Master (Licence), Slavonic cultures and French language and literature, University of Basel, Switzerland

1981 - 1982 Graduate studies, Slavonic literatures and French literature, University of Basel/Switzerland

WS 1980/81 Graduate studies, Portuguese language and literature, the University of Belo Horizonte (Brazil)

1976-1980 Language and culture seminars, universities of Tours, Kiev, Prague, and Florence

1976-80 Undergraduate studies at the University of Bonn, classical languages, Slavonic and Romance languages, East European history, philosophy


Professional Experience

2017 Founder and First Director of the Institute of European Studies at the University of Bremen

2001-present University Professor of East European Literatures and Cultures, University of Bremen

2001-2004 Director of the research project „Russian Literary Memoirs of the 20th century and the Crisis of Civilisation“, Centre for Literary and Cultural Research / Berlin (Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung/Berlin)

1997-2000 Assistant Professor, Centre for Literary and Cultural Research / Berlin (Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung/Berlin)

1991-1997 Assistant Professor, chair of East European cultures and literatures, University of Bremen

1985-1989 German Federal Foreign Office


Grants and Fellowships

2017- 2019 Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Leading Research Fellow at the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue

2011-12 Opus magnum Research Grant, VW-Foundation: Russia as a Civilization. Studies in Historical Semantics

2007 Visiting Professor at the university Vincennes, Paris VIII

2006 Visiting Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris

2005 Visiting Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris

2004 Publication Grant, German Research Foundation (DFG), « The Cult of the Dead Poet and Russian Modernism »

2003- 2006 Research Grant, VW-foundation, „European Travelogues of the Interwar Period“, co-director

2000-2004 Research Grant, German Research Foundation (DFG) „Russian Literary Memoirs of the 20th century and the Crisis of Civilisation“, project leader