MA European Politics

Application deadline for the winter semester 2025-25 is June 15, 2025.
Next information event (in German): April 10, 2025 (10-12 pm)
(MAEP and 4 other master's programs in Political Science)

Please register here:

In the winter semester 2022/23, the Institute of European Studies in cooperation with the Institute of Political Science has set up a Master's program in European Politics.

This research-oriented Master's program aims to impart to students competences and knowledge that will qualify them for political science research in university or non-university contexts, as well as for the non-academic job market.

Contact: Dr. Caterina Bonora (


Study Visit in Brussels

MAEP-group in front of the EU Parliament in Brussels.

The study visit in Brussels is an integral part of the MAEP program. MAEP students visit some political institutions and organizations to get insights into the political reality in Brussels. Among other things they visit the EU Parliament, the representation of the City of Bremen in Brussels, the EU Commission, the European External Action Service, the Council of the EU and the European Committee of the Regions.



Overview of the Program

In the research-oriented Master European Politics you will acquire empirical knowledge and theoretical and methodological competencies that will enable you to analyze political disputes, political decision-making, and policy content in the states of Europe and within the framework of the European Union.

We qualify you for tasks related to Europe in politics, business, and associations as well as for a political science doctorate in the field of European politics. Some of the courses in the postgraduate program are offered exclusively in English. In the third semester, you will either study abroad for a semester or do an internship related to your studies. In the methods course, you can choose to focus on qualitative or quantitative methods. The postgraduate program is closely integrated into the research-strong and internationally oriented social science research landscape of the University of Bremen.  

In oder to be admitted to the Master's Degree in European Politics (MAEP), applicants need to show proof of 40 ECTS in political science study contents.
Application deadline for the next winter semester is June 15th. Precondition for enrolment is C1 level in German according to the Common European Framework (CEF) as well as B2 level in English.

You can find further information on the conditions for admission to the MAEP in the Admission Regulations (in German).

As for the other MA programs of the University of Bremen, also for the MAEP the application has to be submitted online via the Master-Portal.

Please send your enquiries concerning application and admission to the Student's Office (Sekretariat für Studierende) (, as the latter is responsible for processing applications. You can send your enquiries concerning the MA program's structure and contents to the MA coordinator, Dr. Caterina Bonora ( 

The MA European Politics is divided in three parts: the obligatory part, which all students need to complete, as well as the elective-compulsory and the “General Studies” parts, in both of which students can further their knowledge in specific areas.

In the first semester, the MAEP imparts advanced knowledge in social and political science methods – students may choose to specialize either in qualtitative or quantitative methods (MAPW-VertMethod) – as well as on the main theories and approaches to European studies (MAEP-M1). As part of this module, students will also take part in a study trip to Brussels.
In the second semester, the program provides students with advanced theoretical and empirical knowledge in the field of European studies research through the seminars in the modules MAEP-M3 and -M4, which span both the political system of the EU and the politics of the EU member states.
In the third semester, students acquire competences in research design (MAPW-M7) and carry out either a research internship (MAEP-M6) or a semester abroad (MAEP-M5).
In the fourth semester, students work at their Master Thesis and attend an accompanying seminar that supports them in the process (MAEP-M8).
Finally, the program has an elective area amounting to 12 ECTS ("General Studies"), which can be gathered throughout their studies (s. suggested study plan).

⇒ To the Semester Plan

Registration to Exams

In order to take part in an examination of the MAEP (in the obligatory and elective-compulsory part) students need to register to the exam online via PABO (Prüfungsamt Bremen Online).

The following general rules apply:

  • Students that fail an exam have right to four further attempts (in the following four semesters) to pass the exam
  • Students need to register on PABO also for repeating an exam they did not pass (there is no automatic registration of the students that did not pass to the next attempt)
  • The possibility to repeat an exam is provided for in all modules, every semester
  • Within a certain timeframe, there is the possibility to annul the exam registration without consequences
  • An exception are the exams carried out as part of the “General Studies” elective area. For these exams students do not need to register via PABO. The resulting grade will be instead documented with a paper certificate (see below, paragraph on “General Studies”)

Registration to the Exams of the Modules MAPW-M2a/b

Students choose only one methods module (either M2a – Specialization Qualitative Methods or M2b – Specialization Quantitative Methods).
Within the chosen module, students have to complete a bigger examination (9 CP in the chosen specialization methods) and a smaller one (3 CP in the other methods). Hence, in PABO they must register to both exams (the bigger and the smaller one), but NOT to both modules.

For instance, if someone chooses the module M2a: Specialization Qualitative Methods, they will have to register both to the exam “MAPW M2a Qualitative Methoden TP (MPO 2020)” and to the exam “MAPW M2a Quantitative Methoden TP (MPO 2020)”.
Of course, students can choose to first complete one examination and the other one in a later semester. However, in the end they will have to have completed both examinations (the 3CP and the 9 CP one), in order to successfully complete the chosen Methods Module (M2a or M2b).

Title Pages for written Exams

In the third semester, students may choose between completing a three-month internship or a semester abroad.

Please inform the internship officer about your internship before starting your internship. This can be done via email (to Dr. Caterina Bonora After finishing your internship, you have to present the internship results in the accompanying colloquium or, in exceptional cases (only if this is for serious reasons not possible), as an internship report. After having completed this step, please fill in the internship confirmation form and send it to the internship officer. She will then send the signed confirmation to the Zentrales Prüfungsamt, which is responsible for entering the CP in PABO. For the internship module MAPW-M6, students receive 18 CP (15 for the three-month internship and 3 for the presentation in the colloquium).

The semester abroad may be spent at one of the numerous partner universities of the Insitute of European Studies or of the Faculty 08 (please consult the Erasmus coordinator Caterina Bonora concerning which partner universities offer places for Masters students). The deadline for applying for a semester abroad is February 15. The erasmus coordinator organizes an information meeting concerning the semester abroad every winter semester. Students will be informed in due time via email.



In General Studies students can choose courses or modules from the Faculties 6 to 12 or from the General Studies pool of the University, amounting to a total of 12 CP. This also includes other seminars from the BA and MA Political Science, the BA Integrated European Studies, as well as other political science-oriented programs. It is advisable to attend courses that deal with the research process of the neighboring disciplines of European Politics, or seminars from other MA programs. If you have questions on which seminars may be suitable for the General Studies area, please contact the MA coordinator or the head of the Studienkommission.

The grades obtained in this area are documented via paper certificates that must then be sent to the Zentrales Prüfungsamt. The certificate can contain a grade, but also just the corresponding credit points, without a grade. A grade always flows into the final MA average grade (weighted on the CP amount). Students do not hold the right to a non-graded certificate: the lecturer may decide whether it is possible for the student to attend the General Studies course without getting a grade.

The MA program prepares graduates for a career in social science research. Besides its research focus on European Politics, also its methods pluralism, which characterizes the research profile of the University of Bremen, is a particularly strong suit of the program.

However, the MA program also qualifies graduates for the non-academic job market. In fact, knowledge in European politics is fundamental for the political and economic actors that work in close contact with European political actors and institutions at the local, regional, national and European level. The MAEP conveys its students this necessary empirical and theoretical knowledge. Hence, graduates of the MAEP are attractive candidates for positions in interest groups, civil society organizations, ministries and parliaments, political parties, administrations and companies at the local, regional, national and European level.

Prof. Dr. Arndt Wonka

Program Director


Tel.: +49 (0)421 / 218-67420

Office: GW2, Raum: B 2.330

Office Hours upon request

Dr. Caterina Bonora

Program Coordinator
Students Advisor
Recognition Officer
Erasmus Coordinator


Tel: +49 (0)421 / 218-67271

Office: GW2, Raum B 2.340

Office Hours Tuesday 10 am - 12 pm


Updated by: IES