Lazaros Karavasilis


Dr. Lazaros Karavasilis

UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien)

Room: 7.2070

Tel.: +49 421 218-67494

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Lazaros Karavasilis has joined InIIS as a postdoctoral research associate in the project titled ‘Zwischen Populismus und radikaler Demokratie, zwischen Partei und Bewegung: zum diskursiven Nachleben von Platzbewegung’, led by Prof. Dr. MartinNonhoff and Dr. Seongcheol Kim. He has recently finished his PhD in the Department of International Relations, Politics and History at Loughborough University, where he completed his thesis titled ‘Populism and other -isms. Comparing left- and right-wing populism in Greece and Germany’. The thesis focused on examining how party discourses from selected cases (SYRIZA and Independent Greeks in Greece, Die Linke and AfD in Germany), combine populism with other ideological elements and how factors like the time period and the socio-political context can lead to different expressions of populism that can be evident on different levels.


Populism; Anti-populism; Political Parties; Discourse Analysis; Mainstreaming of the Far-Right; Far-Right Parties; Radical Right Parties; Radical Left Parties; Parties and Social Movements; Fascism; Liberalism; Socialism; Marxism; Post-Marxism; Social-Democracy; German Politics; Greek Politics; UK Politics; Political Representation; Political Mobilization; Political Protest


Journal Articles:

Rodi P., Karavasilis L., Puleo L., 2021. ‘When nationalism meets populism: examining right-wing populist & nationalist discourses in the 2014 & 2019 European parliamentary elections’, European Politics and Society, 

Karavasilis L., 2017. ‘Perceptions of “Populism” and “Anti-populism” in Greek Public Discourse during the Crisis: the case of the website “Anti-news”, Politik, vol. 20, Issue 4, pp.58-70.


Book Reviews:

Karavasilis L., 2021. The Liberal Facade of the Contemporary Far Right, Patterns of Prejudice, published online: 4 March.

Karavasilis L., 2020. Marco Damiani, Populist Radical Left Parties in Western Europe, Abingdon: Routledge.

Karavasilis L., 2020. Yannis Balabanidis (ed), SYRIZA: a party on the move. From protest to government, Athens: Themelio, Contemporary Themes, No.147-148 [Χαρτογραφώντας το φαινόμενο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ].

Karavasilis L., 2019. Tjitske Akkerman, Sarah L. de Lange and Matthijs Rooduijn (eds), Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties in Western Europe: Into the Mainstream?, Abingdon: Routledge.

Karavasilis L., 2018. Hans Vorländer- Maik Herold- Steven Schäller (eds), PEGIDA and New Right-Wing Populism, Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Karavasilis L., 2018. ‘The Never-ending Attempt to Define Populism. A Book Review of Jan-Werner Müller’s What is Populism?’, Contemporary Themes, No.138-139, [Η Ατέρμονη Προσπάθεια Ορισμού του Λαϊκισμού]



Karavasilis L., 2020. ‘Germany’, in Katsambekis G. & Stavrakakis Y. (eds), Populism and the Pandemic. A Collaborative Report, Populismus Interventions No.7, Thessaloniki: Aristotle University.



Karavasilis L., 2017. Translation of “Chantal Mouffe: ‘We urgently need to promote a left-populism’” Interview for CHRONOS Online Magazine, Published online on 9th November. Link:[Πρέπει επειγόντως να προωθήσουμε έναν αριστερό λαϊκισμό]


Opinion Articles:

Karavasilis L., 2019. ‘The German Left on the Road to the European elections: three conclusions and one proposal’, Avgi, 27 May. Link:  [Η Γερμανική Αριστερά στον δρόμο για τις εκλογές: τρεις διαπιστώσεις και μια πρόταση]

Karavasilis L., 2019. ‘Studying populism and distinguishing it from other –isms’, WZB Blog, 26 July. Link:

Karavasilis L., 2018. ‘Is Left-Wing Populism still Relevant?’, The New Pretender, 22 July. Link: 

Karavasilis L., 2018. ‘Can We still talk about Left-Wing Populism in 2018?’, Avgi, 26 May. Link: 


Conference & Seminar Papers:

Karavasilis L., 2021. “Left-Wing Populism Revisited: Examining the trajectories of SYRIZA and The Left Party in comparative perspective, 2009-2019”. (Paper presented at the 71st PSA Annual International Conference, 29th -31st March)

Karavasilis L., 2020. “The Right Stuff: Re-examining Right-Wing Populism in Europe through the Cases of Greece and Germany, 2012-2019”. (Paper presented at the 4th Populism Specialist Group (PSA) Workshop titled, The ‘Populist Moment’: Temporality, Transformations, Crises, Zoom Conference, 14- 18th September)

Karavasilis L., Rodi P. & Puleo L., 2019. “How Populist is the Populist Radical Right? Examining Right-Wing Populist and Nationalist Discourses in the 2014 and 2019 European Parliament Elections”. (Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, University of Wroclaw, 4-7th September)

Karavasilis L. & Rodi P., 2019. “How Populist is the Populist Radical Right? Examining Populist and Nationalist Discourse in the European Parliament Elections”. (Paper presented at the 5th Prague Populism Conference, Goethe- Institut, 27-28th May)

Karavasilis L., 2019. “Comparing Populism in Opposition and in Power: Lessons from Greece and Germany”. (Paper presented at the Centre of Political Research, Panteion University of Athens, 17th June)

Karavasilis L., 2019. “Comparing Populism in Opposition and in Power: Lessons from Greece and Germany”. (Paper presented at the Discourse Analysis Network, Athens, 10th May)

Karavasilis L., 2019. “Comparing Populism in Opposition and in Power: Lessons from Greece and Germany”. (Paper presented at the 69th PSA Annual Conference, University of Nottingham, 15-17th April)

Karavasilis L., 2019. “Comparing Right- and Left- Wing Populism in Greece and Germany: Discourse, Parties and Democracy in the European Union”. (Paper presented at the WZB Colloquium, WZB, 2nd April)

Karavasilis L., 2018. “Comparing Right- and Left- Wing Populism in Greece and Germany: Party Identity, Ideology and Anti-Populist Reaction”. (Paper presented at the Populism Research Group, Loughborough University, 5th December)

Karavasilis L., 2018. “From Historiography to Anarcho-populism: the theoretical evolution of populism”. (Paper presented at the 68th PSA Annual International Conference, Cardiff City Hall, 26 – 28th March)

Karavasilis L., 2018. “From Historiography to Anarcho-populism: the theoretical evolution of populism”. (Paper presented at the 2nd Populism Specialist Group (PSA) Workshop titled Defining ‘Populism’: concepts, contexts genealogies, University of Bath, 23-24th March)

Karavasilis L., 2017. “’Populism’, ‘Anti-populism’ and ‘Modernization Theory’ in Crisis-ridden Greece: the case of the website “Anti-news” (paper presented at the Political Discourse Analysis Network Symposium, titled “Antagonisms and Regimes of Truth in Contemporary Political Discourse: Post-Truth, Fake News and Propaganda”, Athens, Greece, 15-16th December)

Karavasilis L., 2016. “What’s Populism and What’s Not?” (participation in panel discussion along with Halil Gurhanli, Emilia Palonen and Erkki Vainikkala at the Conference titled “Populism as Movement and Rhetoric”, Jyväskylä, Finland, 17-19th  March)

Karavasilis L., 2016. “The Construction of the National-Populist Subject: the formation of the ‘people’ in national-populist discourse and its characteristics” (paper presented at the Conference titled “Populism as Movement and Rhetoric”, Jyväskylä, Finland, 17-19th March)

Karavasilis L., 2015. “The National-Populism of New Democracy: the case of May 6th Elections 2012” (paper presented at POPULISMUS International Conference titled “Populism and Democracy”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-28th, June)

Karavasilis L. & Papadopoulos P., 2014. “Hegemony, Neoliberalism and Conflict” (paper presented at the International Students of History Association (ISHA) seminar “Conflict Situations and Their Consequences”, ISHA Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, 22- 26th  May).


‘From Historiography to Anarcho-populism: the theoretical evolution of populism’, Lecture at the Department of Politics and International Relations in the University of Leicester –Module ‘Contentious Politics in Europe’ (Prof. Simona Guerra)

18EU14META- The Contemporary World Arena- Seminar Tutor, 1 Semester, the academic year 2018-2019