No. 4 - What does it take to have a democracy?

In the fourth episode, KlausSchlichte and Jude Kagoro talk with Frank N. Rusa, Country Representative of the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democray (NIMD) in Kampala, about the role of elections, parties and democratic institutions in Uganda.

No. 2 - The Russia-Ukraine War

In the second episode of the InIIS InSIGHTS podcast, our former member Lisa Gaufman (at InIIS from 2016 to 2019) from the University of Groningen explains the multiple Russian perspectives on the Ukraine invasion that began four weeks ago.

No. 5 - The African Union in Somalia

In this episode, Roy Karadag discusses the everyday challenges, dangers and the political developments of the African Union mission in Somalia (AMISOM) with Harriet Byarugaba (AU).

No. 3 - War & Food

In the third episode of our podcast, Roy Karadag talks to Eckart Woertz from GIGA Hamburg about the upheavals on the international food markets and the resulting hunger scenarios in North Africa.

No. 1 - The International Politics of Contemporary Libya

In this first conversation of our new "InIIS InSIGHTS" series, KlausSchlichte and Mabruk Derbésh turn their attention to the current dynamics of conflict and intervention in Libya.