Political Science Bachelor (Optional for Teacher Training)

This course of study is aimed at all those who wish to study political science in combination with another subject for a teaching profession. German language proficiency is required!

In the two-subject Bachelor's degree for teaching at grammar schools (GY/OS), a further subject is taken in addition to political science. Both subjects are each studied to the extent of 60 credit points (CP). In addition, there are modules on subject didactics, educational science and practical phases in schools.

Political science components
In six semesters, students acquire in-depth knowledge in the classic areas of political science:

Political system of the Federal Republic of Germany
Political theory
Comparison of political systems and European integration
International relations
Political field analysis

It is not just about imparting factual knowledge. The course places particular emphasis on social science theories and methods that enable a deeper understanding of political processes.

Political didactics components
Additional modules in the field of political didactics are provided for teacher training students:

Introduction to political didactics
Theory and practice of the learning area
Further qualifications
The Bachelor's degree (GY/OS) entitles students to apply for the Master of Education (M. Ed.). Only this degree qualifies for the preparatory service (Referendariat), which is a prerequisite for employment in the teaching profession.

Further information
The teacher training-specific modules are offered by the Didactics of Social Sciences working group (AG DiS). On the AG DiS homepage you will find further information and an overview of all Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in the teaching profession with a political science component, including the examination regulations for elementary school and vocational schools.

Discover the exciting world of political science and prepare yourself to inspire the next generation!

General information on the teaching degree program structure at the University of Bremen.


Prof. Andreas Klee

E-Mail: aklee@uni-bremen.de

Office Hourse: Wed. starting 10 am

Link to online office hours: https://uni-bremen.zoom.us/j/93522015565?pwd=ajZpL0xTdmpFVjlZaWEwY3JqTTRCQT09#success

More information:

AG DiS Working Group Didactic Education in the Social Sciences