
The Institute for Political Science (IPW) is part of the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Bremen and organizes the undergraduate and graduate study program of Political Science. The research activities, however, are coordinated by various research institute and centers clustering around questions of European and international politics on the one hand, and dynmics of social policy and modern welfare states on the other hand:

Political Science ist part of the High-Profile Area Social Change, Social Policy, and the State at the University of Bremen:

Our members also cooperate with other research institutes including:

The Specialized Information Service for Political Science (POLLUX) is also important for research in Bremen. The DFG-funded specialist information service optimizes the supply of literature and the information infrastructure in the field of political science in Germany.


You want to do your doctorate in Bremen?

For conducting PhD research in Political Science at the University of Bremen, the Bremen International Graduate School of the Social Sciences (BIGSSS) provides helpful support and different workshops. In principle, however, you can also do a doctorate in political science independently of the BIGSSS: Here you find an overview of the research areas of our university lecturers.

Further information can be found on the pages of the Doctoral Committee in the Central Examination Office and the Doctoral Center Bremen Early Career Researcher Development (BYRD).

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