This is the third time that the University of Bremen has awarded the Deutschlandstipendien. Since last October, 154 talented and committed students of the University of Bremen are the happy recipients of a grant worth 300 euros a month – two thirds of them for the first time. To be awarded the grant is something special: The lucky grantees were selected from a total of well over 500 applicants. They were awarded the grant not only on the basis of good grades: A record of social commitment and public activities are just as important criteria.
As of this year, students of the University of Bremen who receive the grant can participate in an attractive supplementary program. For instance, there are workshops where they can polish up the soft skills needed to be successful in their future careers, and sponsors of the grant make it possible for them to gain insights into professional life and provide valuable networking opportunities. “The University of Bremen is not only a campus of diversity, but also a campus full of young talent. These supplementary offers of training will help them make even better use of their own potentials and networking activities”, explains Prof. Yasemin Karaka?o?lu, Vice Rectress for Intercultural and International Affairs at the University of Bremen.
What is a Deutschlandstipendium?
The Deutschlandstipendium comes with a monthly grant of 300 euros. Based on the principle: “Half from the State, the other half from other sources”, the Federal Government funds each Deutschlandstipendium with 1,800 euros, provided the other half comes from private sources. This year, a large number of private enterprises, institutions, foundations, associations and private persons from Bremen and elsewhere have agreed to offer their support. It is particularly gratifying to see that many of these sponsors have decided not to limit funding to a period of just one year, and have committed their support for many years to come. This has enabled the University of Bremen to enter into commitments for more than 188 grant-years, which translates into a private funding volume of some 340,000 euros.
Who qualifies for the grant?
The grant is awarded to students who can show that they possess above-average talent and are prepared to do something for others and for society. Taken into account are therefore a candidate’s academic ability, or in the case of freshers, their school grades. The selection committee also awards points – and this is a selection criterion of particular significance at the diversity-conscious University of Bremen – for social commitment, personal initiative, and especially individual circumstances like, for example, caring for children or relatives. Points are also awarded for candidates with migrant biographies or who come from non-academic backgrounds. The grantees are selected by a Scholarship Committee comprising both professors as well as students of the University.
Of the 154 recipients of a Deutschlandstipendium from the University of Bremen, 12% are freshers: They are lucky enough to be able to start their studies with a little extra money in their pockets; and 36% are Master students. Almost 80% of the grantees are engaged in some kind of honorary capacity outside the University. Over 50% come from so-called non-academic family backgrounds, and just under 20% have migrant biographies. Vice Rectress Karaka?o?lu: “This is a good step towards achieving our goal, which is to make university studies more attractive and provide support for civil society in our region”.
You can find out more about the Deutschlandstipendium under:
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University of Bremen
Corporate Relations / Marketing
Phone: +49 421 218 60333
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