
Andrei Yakovlev from HSE Moscow as a guest researcher in Bremen

From October 21-27, 2019, Andrei Yakovlev from the National Research University – Higher School of Economics Moscow is visiting the University of Bremen on invitation of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics, working group of Jutta Günther. His visit takes place within the DAAD Eastern Partnership program and serves to continue and intensify joint academic research, exchange and development of future fields of cooperation.

On October 22, Andrei Yakovlev gave a guest lecture entitled “Success Story of Agriculture in Voronezh Region in 2010-2017: Happy Coincidence or New Model of Regional Governance in Russia?” in the Economic Colloquium of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. His lecture was the first in the newly introduced Economic Colloquium organised within the activities of the ierp – Institute of Economic and Policy Research.

On October 25-26, Andrei Yakovlev will join the ICSID Workshop bout “Quality of Governance and the Legacy of Socialism” jointly organised by the University of Bremen and Higher School of Economics Moscow (HSE) taking place in Bremen the first time.

Andrei Yakovlev is a director of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies at the National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE) Moscow. He studied economics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 2002-2003 he spent one year in Bremen as a Humboldt fellow within the framework of the “Bundeskanzler scholarship program”. In 2017, he was awarded the Gaidar memorial prize in economics. His areas of interest are political economy in transition economies and economic development.

The cooperation between Higher School of Economics Moscow und the University of Bremen is manifold. There is a frequently used student exchange program between the economics, social sciences and humanity faculties as well as researcher mobility. The working group of Jutta Günther has been cooperating with the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies at HSE for several years.

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