
Axel Herrmann, Director of the FIBRE Institute

Hybrid Sandwich Structure for passive Crash Protection in a small Landing Probe

In Order to study the formation of the solar system and the evolution of life it is necessary to study smaller bodies like comets, asteroids and smaller moons. All these objects have a common property, they have very weak gravitation and no atmosphere so that no sophisticated landing systems are necessary.

In Previous Project (Mars Lander) a crushable Sandwich shell made of aluminium honeycomb and aramid layers was manufactured and tested. GNC-systems (Guidance, Navigation and Control) are in this case necessary to reach the right landing position.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. A.S. Herrmann

Born 1958 in Hamburg, Germany,Study of mechanical engineering at Technical University of Clausthal

Professor at the University of Bremen, Director of the Fibreinstitut e.V., Managing Director Composite Technology Center CTC Stade a subsidiary of Airbus

Axel Herrmann

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