Organize your Study

Information for applicants
Information for students
MATS old examination regulations
MATS new examination regulations (2016)
MATS addition to the new examination regulations (2019)
MATS Entry of examination results in PABO
MATS information about modules 8, 9, 10
MATS certificate for modules 8, 9, 10
Guidelines for scientific work
Teaching and examination methods
Teaching and examination methods in MATS encourage students to work independently. Teaching is based on the principle of research-based learning (German: Forschendes Lernen). Our lecturers use various formats such as lectures, courses, seminars and research projects. At the beginning of each semester professors explain the scope of their seminars and course requirements. Besides diverse writing formats, research protocols and project reports are common forms of examination, as well as written tests. Admission to the modules is not dependent on any preliminary examinations. Students are required to register on time at the ZPA (the central examination office) for any modules in which they wish to gain credit points (CPs). MATS students are administered by ZPA-Team B.
At the end of each semester, teaching staff pass on information about successfully completed modules to the secretariats, which enter grades into the online examination system (referred to as PABO).
Students are responsible for monitoring their own accounts on PABO and should stay informed about registration deadlines, as well as about any current entries in their online student account.