Sport and physical activity

People here in Germany spend around 6.5 hours per day sitting down, more than one in five even manage nine hours and more.
 To escape this sedentary daily routine, the World Health Organization WHO recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate activity on five days per week or at least 20 minutes of intensive activity on three days per week. This amount of physical activity is easy to manage and doesn’t take up too much time (or decrease productivity).
 Simply allow your limbs the compensation they urgently need for all the long hours of sitting still, your eyes some time away from the computer screen, and your soul some time to relax.

Body workout for increased strength and stamina

Body Workout

The effective full-body workout with national field hockey player Lena Micheel will get your cardiovascular system going, strengthen your muscles, and improve your flexibility. The varied and health-focused full-body training ensures that you will see initial results in no time at all, get into top shape, and increase and maintain your vitality.

The best thing is that you can do the exercises at home as they do not require any machines and do not need a gym membership. So what are you waiting for? Roll out that yoga mat, lace up your sneakers, and let’s get exercising!

Click here for the training.


How to stay fit at home too – without any machines

Adequate physical activity is essential in times of isolation at home and quarantine. You don’t even need to go outside for a good workout – you can exercise in the comfort of your own home. Full-body workouts in particular are especially good as they target a great many different muscles in the body – and that all at once. From the chest to the arms and shoulders to the legs and back: doing a full-body workout leaves you feeling completely content.

The following exercises help you to train your whole body and you don’t need much more than your own body weight for them.

Click here to get to the exercises.


More fitness in the office: Everyone can do it!

Fitness im Büro

Spending a lot of time sitting isn’t just bad for your back and posture. A lack of physical activity also leads to obesity and is detrimental to your productivity and concentration in the workplace. But there is something you can regularly do to prevent this – yes, even when you’re working in your (home) office.

Would you like to try it out for yourself? Here you can find eight simple exercises with which you can keep yourself physically and mentally healthy in order to counteract the effects of sitting at your computer desk for many hours at a time.  Our short 8-minute office workout developed by Fabian Hambüchen is suitable for every day and doesn’t require a gym ball or any other equipment. Some of the exercises are performed when sitting and others standing.

Click here to start your office workout!