
In October 2022, new admission regulations for the study programme Process-oriented materials research, ProMat were published. These come into force for the admissions procedure starting in winter semester 23/24. The admission regulations from January 2019 will continue to apply for admissions to the summer semester 23:


  • For the current admission regulations (dated 01/2019): see here.
  • For the future admission regulations (dated 10/2022) valid from winter semester 23/24 onwards: see here.


Bremer Studienpreis 2021: Foto des Preisträgers Eric Macke

Eric Macke has won this year's Bremen Study Award for his thesis "Copper hexacyanoferrate as cathode material - an in-depth theoretical investigation with electronic structure methods"!

We had the chance to talk to him about this award and his plans for the future: here


ProMat - Flyer

The open curriculum offers the greatest possible freedom in designing one's own course of study around the individual study or research focus. Read more here.


Parallel to lectures, courses and the obligatory research stay abroad, students in the ProMat programme will be directly involved in the research activities of the University of Bremen: The ProMat course of study.


The student Eric Macke spent four weeks of the mandatory research stay abroad at the Imperial College in London. Read more here.