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Better Healthcare Information for Migrants in the Field of Oncology

People with a migration background often face challenges when they want to obtain comprehensive information during their cancer treatment. In the joint "DivO-Inform" project, the University of Bremen and the University Medical Center Halle are developing improved services.

Beraten jetzt das Bundeskanzleramt: Die Professorinnen Iris Pigeot (links) und Tanja Schultz von der Universität Bremen sind jetzt in den Expert: innenrat „Gesundheit und Resilienz“ berufen worden.

Iris Pigeot and Tanja Schultz from the Faculty 3 are appointed to Federal Chancellery Expert Council

Professor Iris Pigeot, director of the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, and Professor Tanja Schultz, head of the Cognitive Systems Lab at the University of Bremen, have been appointed to the Federal Chancellery's new Expert Council on Health and Resilience.

Federal Chancellery advisors: Professors Iris Pigeot (left) and Tanja Schultz from the University of Bremen have been appointed to the Expert Council on Health and Resilience.

Iris Pigeot and Tanja Schultz Appointed to Federal Chancellery Expert Council

Professor Iris Pigeot, director of the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, and Professor Tanja Schultz, head of the Cognitive Systems Lab at the University of Bremen, have been appointed to the Federal Chancellery's new Expert Council on Health and Resilience.

Zeit im Loccumer Pelikan

Der "Loccumer Pelikan" widmet sich in seiner aktuellen Ausgabe dem Thema Zeit. Mit dabei auch ein Aufsatz von Norman Sieroka.


We are looking for student support!

The DSC is looking for student assistants (m/f/d) for public relations and project management activities.

Dr. Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed

Dr. Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed (Cardiff University, UK and Universidad Externado de Colombia)

We are pleased to welcome our colleague Dr. Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed at the Historic Institute and the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research at the University of Bremen from 14.04. to 2.05.2024, as part of the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance strategic partnership.

[Translate to English:] Automated_all-functionals_2024

Automated all-functionals infrared and Raman spectra

Lorenzo BastoneroNicola Marzari

npj computational materials 10  (2024) : 55

doi: 10.1038/s41524-024-01236-3

Infrared and Raman spectroscopies are ubiquitous techniques employed in many experimental laboratories, thanks to their fast and non-destructive nature able to capture materials'…

Norman Sieroka liest ein Buch

Auch Norman Sieroka war mal Ersti...

...und davon erzählt er im Onlinemagazin der Uni Bremen "up2date"

Title figure of the CMD31-workshop

Mini-colloqium on the CMD31

Michael organizes the mini-colloqium MC34 - Nonequilibrium dynamics and control of quantum materials on the CMD31 in Braga, Portugal. Visit the website of the conference for further details and registrations.

TOC-figure of the publication

Theory of resonantly enhanced photo-induced superconductivity

C. J. Eckhardt, S. Chattopadhyay, D. M. Kennes, E. A. Demler, M. A. Sentef & M. H. Michael

Nat. Commun.  15, 2300 (2024)

Optical driving of materials has emerged as a versatile tool to control their properties, with photo-induced superconductivity being among the most fascinating examples. In this…