
Karin Wolf-Ostermann
Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

Can AI relieve the burden on care?

Prof Wolf-Ostermann from the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen in the dossier " Digital turnaround - Digitalwende" in “Süddeutsche Zeitung”

Mycelium-based composite material made of straw, husks, and starch.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Avoiding Packaging Waste with the Help of Mycelium

Mycelium is a fine thread-like network of fungi. It is suitable as a packaging material. A new research project led by BIBA at the University of Bremen focuses on this biodegradable material as well as the production, use, and recycling of packaging.

Anthropozän – Das Zeitalter menschlicher Zeitbestimmung?

Vortrag von Norman Sieroka im timeport 2 anlässlich der Reihe "Zauberlehrlinge des Anthropozän" der Philosophische Gesellschaft Bremerhaven

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Be part of YUFE Student Journey!

Applications for the YUFE Student Journey are possible until 24th May 2024! More information here and at

ICtDRA Conference

On 20-21 June 2024 Gralf-Peter Calliess and Nicholas Mouttotos of the Institute for Commercial Law of the University of Bremen convene a transatlantic conference on ‘Informed Consent to Dispute Resolution Dispute Agreements’ in Bremen.

Jess Bunchek im Gewächshaus

Plants Would Listen to Harry Potter

Botanist Jess Bunchek lived in Antarctica for 14 months. She talks to up2date. about her adventurous life as a scientist.

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Humans on Mars - Bremen Children's University enters the next round

In March, geophysicist Dr. Christiane Heinicke moved from the habitat at ZARM to the lecture hall to talk about Mars and the possibilities of living there instead of conducting research.

Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow

Seven Researchers Elected to DFG Review Boards

Nicole Megow was elected to the “Computer Science” review board in the subject area “Theoretical Computer Science.” She is a professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and heads the Combinatorial Optimization and Logisticsresearch group.

Students at the Federal Social Court

Excursion to the Federal Social Court

On 28 February 2024, students of the field of specialisation "Labour and Social Law in the International and Supranational Context" accompanied by Prof. Dr. Angie Schneider went on an excursion to the Federal Social Court.

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Seven Researchers Elected to DFG Review Boards

Bremen competence for the German Research Foundation (DFG): Three female and four male professors from the University of Bremen have been elected to DFG Review Boards. The 49 review boards are important advisory bodies when awarding DFG funding.