
[Translate to English:] Supara Grudpan with her Supervisor Prof. Rainer Malaka

PHD Defense of Supara Grudpan

On November 13, Supara Grudpan successfully defended her doctoral thesis "The M-SG framework: A framework for Multiplayer Cooperative Serious Game Development". Supara was a long and valued member of our research group. Because of Covid, she went back to Thailand and has been working there at Chang…

[Translate to English:] Effect of iron
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Effect of ion-paring on the kinetics of redox systems with concentrated supporting electrolyte

John Mugisa; Richard Chukwu; Doriano Brogioli; Fabio La Mantia

Electrochemical Acta 473  (2024): 143473

doi: 10.1016/j.electacta.2023.143473

The electron-transfer reaction is of pivotal importance not only in electrochemistry, but also in other scientific disciplines, such as…

Interactive lecture: "Gendern auf ... Tagalog"

The second lecture in our series on inclusive language is about the Filipino language Tagalog and its special features. The event will take place on Tuesday, the 16th of January 2024, at 18:00 in the City Library (in the Krimibibliothek section). Anyone interested is very welcome to attend!

Logo von BALLON

Closing of BALLON project

[Translate to English:] An illustration of a satellite in space. It has a large microwave radiometer mounted on it. On earth you can see the Arctic.

Significant Leap in Earth Observation Technology

In an important step towards the further development of earth observation satellites, the European Space Agency (ESA) is launching the CIMR L2PAD project. The University of Bremen is participating in the project by developing new algorithms for the future CIMR satellites.

Josephine Assmus verteidigt Dissertation

In der Arbeit "Free to Move but Unprotected" untersucht Josephine die Auswirkungen der EU-Arbeitnehmerentsenderichtlinie und die jüngeren Spannungen zwischen Arbeits- und Dienstleistungsmobilität im europäischen Binnenmarkt.

[Translate to English:]

Dr. Christoph Günther (University of Erfurt, Germany): "Of Snapwas and Tele-Dāʿīs: Audiovisualities of contemporary Muslim preaching"

20. December 2023, 16:15-17:45 Uhr, Room 60.070, Linzer Str. 4

Shows a stand with the text Faculty 7 Economics. Next to it, from left to right, Professors Kensbock, Eisenbeiß and Heinemann

Neues Dekanat übernimmt am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Universität Bremen

Der Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Universität Bremen begrüßt zum 1. Dezember 2023 sein neues Dekanat, bestehend aus Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbeiß als Dekan, Prof. Dr. Julia Kensbock als Prodekanin und Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. André Heinemann als Studiendekan.

Prof. Dr. Missong congratulates Dr. Horn for his dissertation

Award for Dr. Maximilian Horn

Congratulations to Dr. Maximilian Horn, who was awarded a special prize of the Deutsche Bundesbank for his dissertation in our field of work "Technology Acceptance, Path Dependence, and the Demand for Robo-Advisory Services"!

Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann, Janissa Altona
Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

Symposium ‘Dementia-friendly Environment in the Community – An International Perspective on Concepts and Interventions

Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann and Janissa Altona from IPP at the University of Bremen presented findings from their research projects on dementia-friendly neighbourhoods at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Association of America.