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Uni-Allgemein| Dienstreisen|

BahnCard discount for international rail travel

From December 2023, the International Union of Railways (UIC) will withdraw its RAILPLUS service from the market...

"Von Zeit zu Zeiten" am 21.12.

Der nächste Vortrag des Kolloquiums "Von Zeit zu Zeiten" findet am Donnerstag, 21.12., um 18 Uhr im SFG 1040 statt. Diesmal trägt Frederic Hanusch (Gießen) vor, Thema ist "The Politics of Deep Time: Zur Bedeutung kosmischer Zeitskalen für die heutige Politik"

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MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Material with Feelings: AI Helps to Detect Material Damage

The University of Bremen has achieved first results in the DFG Research Unit FOR 3022. Thanks to innovative sensor nodes, which are smaller than a coin, it is possible to detect and evaluate hidden damage in fiber metal laminates (FML).

Plakat der 2. Veranstaltung der Reihe: Polen nach der Wahl
Institut für Europastudien| Aktuelles|

Polen nach der Wahl: Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten der Wiederherstellung des Rechtsstaats

Die nächste Veranstaltung unserer Vortragsreihe "Europäische Perspektiven - Perspektiven auf Europa" findet am 18. Januar im GW2 B2890 statt. Im ersten Teil dieser Veranstaltung wird eine 90-minütige Dokumentation gezeigt und im Anschluss findet eine Diskussion statt. Mehr Informationen hier:

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Prof. Dr. Luca Rossi (University of Copenhagen, Denmark): "Who likes visual protest?"

13. December 2023, 16:15-17:45 Uhr, Room 60.070, Linzer Str. 4

Green Metric - Bremen university again in top position

1183 universities worldwide took part in the "UI GreenMetric World University Ranking" in 2023. The sustainability of universities and colleges is being evaluated in this competition. With 10th place, the University of Bremen achieved again a top position in the international sustainability ranking.

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That was the Social Impact Challenge Weekend!

Last weekend, from December 8 to 10, the Social Impact Challenge Weekend, a collaboration between LEMEX and BRIDGE, took place at the DIGITAL HUB Industry Bremen

Paria Moraghebi and Dr. Mandy Boehnke, Vice President for International Affairs, Academic Qualification, and Diversity.

DAAD Prize Awarded to Paria Moraghebi

Student Paria Moraghebi has received the DAAD Prize for Outstanding Achievement by Foreign Students at German Universities. The Iranian was honored for her high level of social commitment and her academic accomplishments. The award is endowed with 1,000 euros.


December 13, 2023, 18:30: The Bremen NatureCultures Lab invites all of those interested to an evening of reading and conversation.

Surface Analytics| Electron Microscopy|

Sputter-Deposited β-Ga₂O₃ Films With Al Top Electrodes for Resistive Random Access Memory Technology

Aman Baunthiyal; Jon Olaf Krisponeit; Alexander Karg; Seyed Majid Mahdian: Marco Schowalter; Thorsten Mehrtens; Martin Eickhoff; Andreas Rosenauer; Jens Falta

IEEE Xplore   (2024)

Alkaline solid wastes containing olivine minerals can be suitable…