
Drei Frauen in einem Treppenaufgang.

CAMPUSideen13: Uni Bremen Wins Five out of Eight Prizes

The "CAMPUSideen" [Campus ideas] competition focuses on promising innovative business models that could form the basis for a start-up enterprise. In 2013 diverse university faculties entered a total of 43 ideas, for which the jury decided to award eight prizes. This year no less than five of the…

Blick auf Stadt mit Häusern und Moschee am Fluss.

21st to 27th October: Bremen Universities Organize a Turkey Week

“Undergoing Change – What is Driving Turkey?” This is the motto of the Turkey Week being organized in the Hanseatic City of Bremen by the Bremen University of Applied Sciences and the University of Bremen in cooperation with their mutual partner university in Marmara, Istanbul. Featuring numerous…

Zwei Männer hinter einem steinernen Treppengeländer

The University of Bremen Mourns the Loss of a Friend and Sponsor

He played a pivotal role in placing the University at the center of attention in Bremen. For the University of Bremen, the death of Friedo Berninghausen means the loss of a true friend and valued benefactor. He will be remembered especially for the many ties he created between members of the…

Ein Mann und zwei Frauen stehen an einem Stehtisch und unterhaltn sich.

University of Bremen Welcomes its New Students

Around 5,000 new students will take up studies at the University of Bremen in the approaching winter semester 2013/14. In the interest of getting off to a smooth start, the traditional freshers' week, or O-Woche will take place from 7th till 11th October 2013. Once again, the University is putting…

Archiv artec 2013|


Denaturalizing climate change: migration, mobilities and spaces

Porträt einer lächelnden Frau.

Coveted Award for Marine Scientist Nicole Dubilier

Prof. Nicole Dubilier, lead scientist of the symbiosis research group at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (MPI) and professor for microbial symbiosis at the University of Bremen, has been awarded one of the most generously endowed scientific awards in the European Union. The European…

Gruppenbild mit drei jungen Männern vor einem Infostand.

Winner of 2013 Election Prize Announced

Three students of Political Science at the University of Bremen created a competition called “2013 Election Prize” designed to mobilize people in Lower Saxony and Bremen to vote in the recent general election (for details see the article from 17.09.2013). “Instead of focusing on the election…

Unterwasseraufnahme eines Kajakfahrers bei einer Eskimorolle.

Start of New University Sport Courses

Mark Monday 30th September 2013 in your diary if you’re interested in sport: From 7 o’clock in the morning you can register for any of the 500 courses offered by University Sports at the University of Bremen. During the cold season, some 8,000 people in Bremen participate in the varied program. When…

Drei Männer vor einem Infostand.

Who’s Going to Win the “2013 Election Prize”?

On 22nd September 2013 Germany goes to the polls to elect a new government. In an innovative attempt to boost the election turnout, three students of political science at the University of Bremen created a competition aimed at voters in Bremen and Lower Saxony. Their project entitled “2013 Election…


University Rowers Do Well in the European Championships

Three good reasons for the University of Bremen’s rowing team to rejoice: In the European University Rowing Championships in Posen, Poland, they bagged one championship title and two second places! In an exciting final, Ann-Kathrin Weber and Judith Maurer became European champions in the women’s…