
13 Studierende und ein Professor auf einem Gruppenfoto.

General Election 2013: Have You Already Made up Your Mind?

Are you also facing the problem of which party to vote for in the general election on 22nd September 2013? Maybe you can get some orientation from the ‘online help for first-time voters 2013’. A group of students from the University of Bremen have just spent a semester in an interdisciplinary…

Junge Menschen lernend an einem Tisch

New Offer for Freshers – Still Some Places Available for the September Academy

Starting on 16th September this year, the University of Bremen is offering an innovative new program to help get freshers fit for their upcoming studies. Registration has already begun. However, there are still some places remaining to be allocated in a few subjects, especially in the humanities.…

Betankung des Stratosphärenballons

Rocket-borne Experiments for European Students

This is now the seventh time students are able to take part in the German-Swedish student project REXUS/BEXUS (rocket/balloon experiments for University students). The project offers student teams the opportunity to carry out experiments with stratosphere balloons and research rockets. A great bonus…

Traktor bringt Düngemittel auf einem grünbewachsenen Feld auf.

Chip Helps Reduce Over-fertilization of the Soil

The excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers in agriculture contaminates our groundwater, rivers, and coastal waters with nitrates. The fields are over-fertilized because farmers have no way of knowing precisely how much fertilizer is needed in the soil. Scientists have now come up with an answer:…

Computermikroskopische Aufnahme eines 50 nm großen Nanopartikels.

New Microcapsule developed for Cancer Therapie

They are 1,000-times smaller than a grain of sand and 20-times thinner than a human hair. This is the size of a novel class of microcapsules aptly called Submicron Colloidosomes. Colloidosomes have a great potential to be used in medical therapies. Materials scientist from the University of Bremen…

Vier Menschen bilden mit den Unterarmen ein geschlossenes Fünfeck.

University of Bremen Starts Part-time Master of Inclusive Education

26 secondary school [Oberschule] teachers in Bremen have just taken up studies on the completely new part-time Master’s program. Graduates from the two-year program will be awarded the title “Master of Education Inklusive Pädagogik”, an additional degree in special education to augment their first…

Vordergrund: Zwei Studentinnen diskutieren über einen Text, dargestellt auf einem Laptopmonitor, Hindergrund: Student und Studentin arbeiten an einem Laptop.

Getting Those Unfinished Written Assignments Done

Who hasn’t experienced the something similar? The apartment is now looking immaculate after a long-overdue clean-up, all those other little jobs have been taken care of, and now there is no excuse left for not getting back to work on that unfinished written assignment. Feeling lonely and tired, you…

Zwei Frauen arbeiten an einer Platine.

2013 Summer University for Female Engineers and Informatica Feminale 2013

This is the 5th time the University of Bremen has invited female students from all disciplines, including further education, to attend the Female Engineers’ Summer University. This time it takes place between 19th and 30th of August 2013. Three Weeks of Summer Studies in Bremen Between 19th August…

Ausschnitt von der Glashalle mit Uni-Logo

University of Bremen Plans No Further Job Cuts

Recently, Radio Bremen reported that the University of Bremen is to cut 450 jobs over the next two years. This is incorrect. As has been known for some time, the University does have to cut a total of 130 jobs, namely 50 in technical and administrative areas and 82 in mid-level faculty. Why has…

Foto der Broschüre "Studieren an der Universität Bremen" mit junger Frau im Vordergrund

Enrollment Procedure Well Underway

Applicants can monitor application procedure online