Graduate surveys

Why do we conduct graduate surveys?

For the University of Bremen, the feedback from its graduates is one of the most important sources for adapting conditions of study conditions to the needs of its students.
We invite our graduates to participate in the survey one to one and a half years after completion of their studies. The survey was designed for the purpose of quality assurance at the University of Bremen and is only used for this purpose.

The information obtained through these surveys offers a wide range of possible applications for the University’s development and further improvement to its study offers. Curriculum design, university didactics, or service facilities: we learn more about how our alumni evaluate their studies retrospectively and where improvements can be made.


Current Survey

The survey of the 2016 graduation cohort ended in June, 2018. The University of Bremen thanks all participants. A 30 % return rate is a great success for an online survey!

The departments have receives first reports and analyse the results. A university-wide analysis will follow within the next months. As established in the past, a brochure about the results will be publiched as well.

New brochure

The brochure for the Graduate Survey 2015 was published in May 2018. Interested parties can obtain printed copies from StefanieGrote in the Teaching and Study Unit (see contact). The results of the survey are presented on almost 30 pages: why did the graduates choose the University of Bremen, what went particularly well or badly during their studies, how are the central services assessed and where did they go after graduation? The brochure provides a wide range of information for prospective students, lecturers and employees of the University of Bremen and all others who are interested in the University of Bremen or questions of quality assurance in studies and teaching.

Participation in the National Graduate Panel

The leading instututes in German graduate research, the International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER), the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) and the Institute for applied Statistics (ISTAT) collaborate to organise and conduct a national graduate survey promoted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The National Graduate Panel (AP2017) ist to provide data for different purposes: educational reporting, higher education and graduate research as well as quality assurace for universities. The national survey, which is organised as a panel survey, aims at the graduates of the academic year 2017.

The University of Bremen has decided to participate in this survey. All graduates will be asked to participae, not only the sample, which has been drawn for the AP2017.The University of Bremen will have a valid instrument for its internal quality assurance and avoid double surveys for the concerned cohort.

The survey will start in October 2018. Further information will be provided soon.

Information on data protection

We compiled the most important documents concerning data protection (unfortunately only in German) here:

Further information is available in the QM-Portal.

Earlier surveys

Sine 2007, the University of Bremen regularly conducts graduate surveys. The results are published in brochures, which are also available for download (but only in German).

Graduate Survey 2015

Graduate Survey 2012

Graduate Survey 2011

Graduate Survey 2010

Graduate Survey 2007