
Dr. Phil Hennel

Dr. Phil Hennel


Office Hours: by appointment
Building WiWi2, Room F3100
Max-von-Laue-Straße 1
​28359 Bremen, Germany

Dr. Phil Hennel is a researcher on tenure-track in the field of information systems and business informatics. Prior to his time at the University of Bremen, Dr. Hennel worked mainly at the University of Cologne and the Cologne Institute for Information Systems. He specialized in information systems, digital transformations and their social and psychological aspects. His research focuses mainly on the processes and effects of digital transformations, particularly in relation to digital trace data. Dr. Hennel investigates how these transformations affect the performance of organizations and the well-being of the individuals involved.

Dr. Hennel's previous research has focused on how agile software development teams can improve their performance and employee well-being by adapting the practices and ways of working they use. This work continues to influence his current research projects. He is committed to practice-oriented science, ensuring that research not only advances academic knowledge, but also has practical implications and benefits for business and, most importantly, society.

Through close collaborations with industry partners, Dr. Hennel extends the impact of his research beyond academia and brings insights from his research to an international stage through publications in renowned journals and conferences. His interdisciplinary approach and practical experience help him to contribute to the ongoing discussion on digital transformations and their broader implications.

Further information on Dr. Phil Hennel's work can be found on his profiles at Google Scholar, LinkedIn, and ResearchGate.

Bianka Bauer


Telephone: +49 (0)421 218 66601

Office hours: Monday through Friday, 8-12 am
Building WiWi2, Room F2390
Max-von-Laue-Straße 1
​28359 Bremen, Germany

Max Stegemann

Student Assistant

Max Stegemann


Building WiWi2, Room F3130
Max-von-Laue-Straße 1
​28359 Bremen, Germany