
  • High Tech Digital Society Illustration

    Research Group Information Systems

    Dr. Phil Hennel


The Research Group Information Systems (InfSys) is particularly concerned with the effects of digital transformation in a business or organizational context.  In the spirit of the information systems discipline, we focus on socio-technical systems and integrate psychological, economic and social factors in teaching and research on digital technologies and their applications. Using research methods such as trace data analyses and time-based evaluations, we seek explanations for relevant questions of our time in order to maximize the potential social benefit of digital innovations.

The Team of the Research Group Information Systems, Dr. Phil Hennel and Bianka Bauer
A lecturer in the full lecture hall.
Logo of the University of Bremen.
  • BIT-Cluster



Digital Business, insb. Management der digitalen Transformation

Digital Business

Logo of the University of Bremen on a glass pane.