Talha Körpe
Short Bio
I have been a PhD candidate in the Social and Economic Psychology Group since April 2023. I hold a master’s degree (M.Sc. 2021) in Social and Organisational Psychology from the University of Exeter, England, and a bachelor’s degree (BA. 2018) in Guidance and Psychological Counseling from Balikesir University, Turkey.
Talha Körpe
Cognium Building, R.0450
Hochschulring 18
28359 Bremen
Office hours: by arrangement
korpe.talha (at) uni-bremen.de
Work Focus
I am broadly interested in moral reasoning and moral judgement. My master’s thesis focused on the relationship between utilitarian-moral judgement as a two-dimensional structure and speciesist tendencies. Currently, I am working on understanding the relationship between utilitarian-moral judgement and personality traits.