General and Theoretical Ecology

Head: Prof. Dr. Juliane Filser

© J. Filser 2018

Our Research


Video 2 - Hochleistungsorganismus Boden

Based on long-term ecosystem research, soil ecology and ecological theory we are working on sustainable solutions for a healthy environment. Main research areas are prospective environmental hazard assessment, interactions between primary producers and soil animals and their impact on carbon cycling. At present, major research topics involve projects on the impact of engineered nanomaterials on the environment and the application of biochar for improving soil fertility and soil health. Additionally, emphasis is given on critical assessment of standardised testing procedures for assessing environmental effects of nanomaterials.


Allgemeine und theoretische Ökologie
FB2, Zentrum für Umweltforschung und nachhaltige Technologien (UFT)

Leobener Str 6
28359 Bremen

phone: +49 421 218-63470

Ecology Blog




29.08.2024: Recently puplished: Foundations for a national assessment of soil biodiversity - Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment

14.08.2024: Very happy to learn that our former Master student Jingzhong Lu ("Logos") has accepted a postdoc position with Anton Potapov at Senckenberg Museum of Natural History in Görlitz - meanwhile another cluster of former group members...

12.08.2024: Recently published: Nest site selection and fidelity of European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) population of Babat Valley (Gödöllő, Hungary)

19.07.2024: I am very happy to announce that my successor, Dr. Alice Claßen, has officially accepted the position as Professor of Animal Ecology! She will start at the beginning of 2025 and move to the new BIOM building. A warm welcome, Alice!

15.07.2024: Welcome back to Dr. Mazi Sanda, Université of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon. He will stay with us until mid December and work on Collembola ecotoxicology in relation to environmental stressors.

31.03.2024: Juliane Filser officially retired but will continue managing the group and being involved in some teaching.

03.01.2024: recently published:Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure | Scientific Data (

29.08.2023: Professor:in (w/m/d) für das Fachgebiet Tierökologie Fachbereich 2 - Biologie / Chemie  - Anhörungtermine: 20.11-22.11.2023

22.08.2023: recently published: Extracting DNA from soil or directly from isolated nematodes indicate dissimilar community structure for Europe-wide forest soils

27.04.2023: Campus Award
Henry Spencer Badet IV was one of the nominees for the "Campus Award". The "Campus Preis - Forschen für nachhaltige Zukunft" is awarded by the university's trust foundation "Kellner & Stoll Stiftung für Klima und Umwelt". Spencer (Picture: in white shirt in the middle) had completed his Master Thesis on "Soil properties and microbial activity in three different farming systems on gleysols in northwestern Germany" in our group in 2022.

09.02.2023: Warburg!
Another long-term project was finished today: the showcase with our oldtimer, the Warburg apparatus dating back from the first years of the university. Former technician UteUebers came to help with the details, and from now on the instrument decorates the entrance of the UFT building.

08.02.2023: Global Collembola
It's been a long way, and today finally we're happy to share this article:

30.01.2023: On February 2, 2023 Juliane Filser will be one of the panelists in this online event on women in Science:

05.12.2022: UPSI! Hardworking Antje Siol managed to acquire yet another research project, dealing with indoor pollution by persistent substances - Forschung - Universität Bremen (

21.11.2022: Recently published: Urbanization decreases species richness, and increases abundance in dry climates whereas decreases in wet climates: A global meta-analysis

14.11.2022: New topics for BSc/MSc research projects and theses! - OFFENE THEMEN - Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten - Universität Bremen (

20.10.2022: Recently published: Global distribution of soil fauna functional groups and their estimated litter consumption across biomes

17.10.2022:  Global Soil Fauna
A lot of underground feeding in temperate grasslands revealed our new review, a follow-up of the KEYSOM project:

20.09.2022: Recently published: Clay Types Modulate the Toxicity of Low Concentrated Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Toward Springtails in Artificial Test Soils

01.09.2022: Today Dr. Borbála Szabo from the Institute of Ecology and Botany at the Centre for Ecological Research in Budapest, Hungary, joined our group. In the next two years she will study "Extreme climate events modifying the effects of pesticides on Folsomia candida (Collembola)" - a research fellowship financed by the Alexander von Humboldt foundation and ideally complementing our ongoing research. Good success, and a very warm welcome!

27.08.2022: „Der Boden ist ein ganz natürlicher Filter für Schadstoffe fast aller Art“, sagt Prof. Dr. Juliane Filser - Grundwasserverunreinigung: Diese Rolle spielen Böden bei der Sanierung (

27.06.2022: Soils at Risk: Policy Must Act! -

17.06.2022: Congratulations - today Jonas Fischer successfully defended his defence! We are proud and happy for him!

30.05.2022: up2date. Das Onlinemagazin der Universtiät Bremen„Wir müssen dringend umdenken – und zwar jetzt!“ [Forschung] / up2date – Das Onlinemagazin der Universität Bremen – University of Bremen Online Magazine (