Working group for Business Psychology with a focus on Social Psychology


Das offizielle Poster der Fachgruppentagung zeigt das Logo der TU Chemnitz, der Konferenz und die Daten. Auf dem Bild sind eine menschliche und eine Roboterhand abgebildet, die beide das Peace-Zeichen machen

Meeting of the Division for Work, Organizational, and Economic Psychology and Human Factors (AOW 21) at TU Chemnitz

This year's meeting of the Division for Work, Organizational, and Economic Psychology and Human Factors of the German Psychological Society took place as a hybrid conference from September 22–24 at the Technical University Chemnitz.

Der Fehlzeitenreport 2021

Two new publications about healthy leadership in times of crisis

Book chapter in the "Fehlzeitenreport" and journal article in the German Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

A pack of books.

New publication in European Management Journal

"Mission impossible? Effects of crisis, leader and follower strain on health-oriented leadership"

Books lie in a shelf.

New publication in International Journal of Stress Management

"Building resilience: Trajectories of heart rate variability during a mindfulness-based intervention and the role of individual and social characteristics"

Logo of the University of Bremen.

Getting started

On April 1st, 2021, Katharina Klug has joined the Faculty for Business Studies and Economics as a Researcher in business psychology with a focus on social psychology.

People and topics

Portrait von Katharina Klug

Dr. Katharina Klug

Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 1
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-66759
Email: kklugprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


The Glass Hall reflects the sunshine

The changing world of work

How does societal change affect careers, work behavior and well-being? One focal research area centers on topics such as job insecurity or the effects of flexibility in working times and locations.

Two people in conversation at an office table.

Leadership and well-being

Supervisors have a considerable influence on their employees' well-being. One focal research area centers on how leaders affect their employees and what constitutes healthy leadershiip.

Diverse students in conversation.

Social psychology and working life

What do we know about interactions within and between groups? How do social relationships influence human behavior? Social psychology, a focus area in teaching, addresses these kinds of questions.