20.6.2023, 18:30 Uhr, online via Zoom
Öffentliche Ringvorlesung „Critical Porn Studies - Künstlerisch-mediale Positionen und neue Perspektiven“
Online-Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Queercrip porn is my favourite kind of porn. This talk explores some of the reasons why. In Unbreaking Our Hearts: Cultures of Un/Desirability and the Transformative Potential of Queercrip Porn (2015) I set out to explicate cultures of undesirability as both a conceptual framework to understand economies of desirability and as a lived experience within queercrip communities. I wanted to learn with and from other queercrip identified people about their strategies for navigating systemic and structural violence, erasure and exclusion that constitutes marginalized communities as undesirable others. As queercrip porn was a key strategy of focus, this work also generated queercrip porn collaboration, interview based community articulations of queercrip porn and extensive engagement with the transformative work of queercrip porn. Flaunting, flourishing, and fucking play together in the pleasure and politics of queercrip porn. Queercrip porn luxuriates and flaunts transformative queercrip pleasures and politics that provide sparkling pathways and roadmaps towards collective liberation a radically “cripped sexual universe” (Kafai 129)
Der Vortrag kann explizites Bildmaterial beinhalten.
Loree Erickson is a white, queer, disabled, femme from a mixed class background growing up in rural northern Virginia. She did an undergraduate degree at Virginia Commonwealth University in Politics and Women’s Studies. She was part of the first group of students to complete the Critical Disability Studies masters at York University in 2005 and completed a PhD in Environmental Studies. She is the current Ethel Louise Armstrong postdoctoral fellow at Ryerson’s School of Disability Studies. Her research interests include disability justice, transformative justice, prison abolition, porn studies, cultures of un/desirability, queercrip porn, marginalized communities strategies for surviving and flourishing including but not limited to care collectives. She is the creator of want, an internationally award-winning queercrip porn film, and a community organizer.
Die öffentliche Ringvorlesung „Critical Porn Studies – Künstlerisch-mediale Positionen und neue Perspektiven“ befasst sich mit künstlerischen und queer-feministischen Strategien und Produktions- und Rezeptionsprozessen von Pornografie. Internationale Expert*innen erarbeiten und reflektieren ästhetisch-mediale und bildkritische Fragestellungen zu Prozessen der Sexualitätsnormierung, diversen Lebensentwürfen, zur Bildgebung und -didaktik. Gefördert durch die Stiftung der Universität Bremen, das Autonome Feministische Referat der Universität Bremen und die FUN FACTORY GmbH.