2.5.2023, 18:30 Uhr, Spedition Bremen
Öffentliche Ringvorlesung „Critical Porn Studies - Künstlerisch-mediale Positionen und neue Perspektiven“
Pornography is a highly expedient, effective as well as affecting, cultural practice to consider the phenomena of post-national identities in Europe today. Nowhere is this more evident than in what Cervulle and Roberts have termed gay ethnic pornography: “a term widely used in French gay sexual culture to designate the particular genre of porn involving non-white men.” As part of this phenomenon French, German, Czech, and Swedish pornographic film production companies contributed to this genre with numerous films that have been produced in Europe and S.W.A.N.A. regions. Pioneering examples of French gay ethnic pornography inspired other Western European and US-based filmmakers and porn film companies to focus on the sub-genre of gay ethnic pornography. Following France, two pornographic film production companies based in Germany produced the examples of gay ethnic pornography between Turkey and Germany. As to date, there has been no systematic study of the gay ethnic pornography produced in Turkey. My research will argue that this cross-cultural exchange in Germany has been a central element in shaping the representation of gay ‘other’ in the last 30 years. To this end, this paper will engage in both archival and critical analysis of these productions.
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Emre Busse lives and works in Berlin, Germany. His film and research practices are based on the philosophy of contemporary sexualities and trans-cultural pornography studies. He completed his M.A. at the Fine Arts Faculty of Bauhaus University, Weimar, in 2015. In March 2017, he co-curated the exhibition called soft g – queer forms migrate at Schwules Museum* Berlin (LGBTQ+ History Museum of Berlin). His recent work, the Godasses Trilogy, has been presented at international film festivals, including San Francisco Porn Film Festival, Fringe! Queer Film and Arts Festival London, Post-Porn Film Festival Warsaw. He is a member of the Masculinity, Sex, and Popular Culture Network, a research network funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) located in the United Kingdom. Currently, Emre Busse is finishing his Ph.D. on gay ethnic pornography in post-colonial Europe at the Freie University Berlin.
Die öffentliche Ringvorlesung „Critical Porn Studies – Künstlerisch-mediale Positionen und neue Perspektiven“ befasst sich mit künstlerischen und queer-feministischen Strategien und Produktions- und Rezeptionsprozessen von Pornografie. Internationale Expert*innen erarbeiten und reflektieren ästhetisch-mediale und bildkritische Fragestellungen zu Prozessen der Sexualitätsnormierung, diversen Lebensentwürfen, zur Bildgebung und -didaktik. Gefördert durch die Stiftung der Universität Bremen, das Autonome Feministische Referat der Universität Bremen und die FUN FACTORY GmbH.