
IoT course 2023 is over

Completion of Internet of Things Course (SoSe 2023)

The ComNets block course on teaching the Internet of Things was completed successfully on the 22nd of September. The course consisted of lectures, labs, problem-based learning sessions, poster sessions, and projects focusing on different technologies used in the IoT.

90 students registered for the course, but we had to shortlist to select 26 students due to resource limitations in conducting such a course. In the course, we provide all the IoT hardware the students require to perform the different tasks. They were only required to bring their own laptop.

The course's final task is a project, where the students work on finding a solution to a given problem. The following three problems were offered this time.

- Theft Protection - Develop a solution to prevent the theft of deployed IoT devices
- Dog Collar - Develop a virtual dog leash using the LoRa wireless technology
- Smart Parking - Develop a comprehensive parking solution for a closed parking lot

In addition to the given projects, students were also allowed to propose their own projects. One proposed project was the IoT solution to monitor appliance usage in student hostels. The students' solutions were evaluated for their originality, reliability, conciseness, and knowledgeability, including selecting the best project. The student group with the best project won an award.

The gallery here show a selection of the students and their work, including the best project winners.

IoT course
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