
Vortrag von Florian Alt über Usable Security

Florian Alt, Professor für Usable Security an der BW-Universität München, hält am Montag, den 15.05.2023, von 14 Uhr bis 15 Uhr eine Vortrag in unserem Graduierten Kolleg mit dem Titel "Where Ubicomp Meets Usable Security — Novel Security User Interfaces based on User Behavior and Physiology". Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen.


Der Vortrag wird auf Englisch sein; der Inhalt des Vortrags ist wie folgt angekündigt:


Over the past years a global and highly professional cyber crime industry has established itself, making user-centred attacks an omnipresent threat for society. Companies, organisations and individuals struggle to keep up and protect themselves effectively from an ever growing number of sophisticated attack vectors. Reasons are, among others, a general lack of awareness and understanding of such threats, inherently complex and difficult-to-understand security and privacy mechanisms, and users struggling to habituate secure behavior in cyber space.

Yet, humans are not as helpless as it seems, as many examples of secure behavior in the real world demonstrate. Based on examples from our research, I will demonstrate how natural security behavior can be supported in the digital world through the design and development of security user interfaces that are aware of human behavior and physiology. I will showcase how technologies for human augmentation allow a detailed understanding on humans’ responses to security-related situations to be obtained and leveraged so as to target opportune moments, enable contextualised means for protection, and increase users’ security literacy.

Florian Alt
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