2024 Jian Tang, Pooriya Scheel, Mohammad Sadegh Mohebbi, Christian Leinenbach, Laura De Lorenzis, and Ehsan Hosseini, "On the calibration of thermo-microstructural simulation models for Laser Powder Bed Fusion process: Integrating physics-informed neural networks with cellular automata", Additive Manufacturing, 30.11.2024,
2024 Frederik Tischel, Vasily Ploshikhin, „Determination Of Process-Related Time-Dependent Sinter Strain And Viscosity For Simulating Distortion In Sinter-Based Additive Manufacturing“, European Powder Metallurgy Association: Alternative AM Technologies, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Proceedings, Malmö, Sweden, 2024,
2024 David Schimbäck, Lukas Kaserer, Philipp Mair, Mohammad Sadegh Mohebbi, Peter Staron, Verena Maier-Kiener, Ilse Letofsky-Papst, Thomas Kremmer, Frank Palm, I Montes, Heinz Werner Höppel, Gerhard Leichtfried, and Stefan Pogatscher, "Advancements in metal additive manufacturing: In-situ heat treatment of aluminium alloys during the laser powder bed fusion process", Materials Science and Engineering: A 905, 01.07.2024,
2024 Mohammad Sadegh Mohebbi, Stefan Nagy, Zuzana Hájovská, Martin Nosko, and Vasily Ploshikhin, "Understanding precipitation during in-situ and post-heat treatments of Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloys processed by powder-bed fusion", Additive Manufacturing (90), 25.06.2024,
2024 Frederik Tischel, Lea Reineke, Jafar Alrashdan, und Vasily Ploshikhin, “Experimental investigation and modeling of densification during sintering of binder jetted Ti-6Al-4V”. In: Powder Technology (06.2024), S. 119958,
2024 Christoph Behrens, Niklas Ostermann, Jan T. Sehrt, and Vasily Ploshikhin, “Temperature control by simulated adaptive layer times in powder bed fusion processes”, Prog Addit Manuf 9, 705-713, 25.05.2024,
2023 Christoph Behrens, Sebastian Neubert, Marvin Siewert, Mohammad S. Mohebbi, and Vasily Ploshikhin, “Integration of annealing into the inherent strain simulation of wire arc additive manufacturing”, Additive Manufacturing Letters, December 2022, Vol. 4, February 2023, 100115, DOI: 10.1016/j.addlet.2022.100115
2022 Shahrooz Sadeghi Bourjeni, Gursimran Singh Saluja, and Vasily Ploshikhin, "Compensation of sintering deformation for components manufactured by metal binder jetting using numerical simulations", Rapid Prototyping Journal, September 2022, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print, DOI: 10.1108/RPJ-06-2022-0181
2022 Shahrooz Sadeghi Borujeni, Anwar Shad, Kiranmayi Abburi Venkata, Nico Günther, and Vasily Ploshikhin, “Numerical simulation of shrinkage and deformation during sintering in metal binder jetting with experimental validation”, Materials and Design, vol. 216, April 2022, 110490, DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2022.110490
2022 Varvara Romanova, Mohammad Sadegh Mohebbi, Ekaterina Dymnich, Ruslan Balokhonov, and Vasily Ploshikhin, “A physically-based computational approach for processing-microstructure-property linkage of materials additively manufactured by laser powder bed fusion”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 219, 1 April 2022, 107103, DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2022.107103
2022 Florian Wirth, Teresa Tonn, Markus Schöberl, Stefan Hermann, Hannes Birkhofer, and Vasily Ploshikhin, “Implementation of the Marangoni effect in an open-source software environment and the influence of surface tension modeling in the mushy region in laser powder bed fusion (LPBF)”, Modelling and Simulation in materials Science and Engineering, vol. 30, No. 3, 31 January 2022, DOI:10.1088/1361-651X/ac4a26
2022 Varvara Romanova, Ekaterina Dymnich, Ruslan Balokhonov, Mohammad Sadegh Mohebbi, and Vasily Ploshikhin, “Investigation of the inhomogeneous mechanical response at the grain scale for additive AlSi10Mg alloy”, Procedia Structural Integrity, vol. 35, pp. 196-202, January 2022, DOI:10.1016/j.prostr.2021.12.065
2021 Slodczyk, M.; Ilin, A.; Kiedrowski, T.; Schmiemann, J.; Ploshikhin, V.: Simulation Aided Process Development with Multi-Spot Strategies in Laser Powder-Bed Fusion. In: Materials Science and Technology of Additive Manufacturing Bd. 1161, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 4, 2021 (Advanced Materials Research), S. 75 - 82
2021 Mohebbi, M.S., Illies, O., Ploshikhin, V.: Cellular Automata Analysis of Effects of Substrate Conditions on Microstructure and Texture Evolution during Selected Laser Melting, Adv. Mater. Res. 1161, 2021.
2021 Mohebbi, M.S., Ploshikhin, V.: Simulation of Primary Particle Development and Their Impact on Microstructural Evolution of Sc-Modified Aluminum Alloys during Additive Manufacturing: Metals 11(7), Jun 2021
2021 Illies, O., Matthes, S., Ploshikhin, V., Jahn, S: Simulationsbasierte Vorhersage des Kornwachstums für laserstrahlgeschmolzene Bauteile aus Titanlegierungen: Schweissen und Schneiden, No. 6/2021, pp. 368–374, Jun 2021
2021 Patil, Y., Mertens, L., Dröse, M., Ploshikhin, V.: Influence of Intrinsic Heat Treatment (IHT) on Precipitation Kinetics during Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion of Al-Mg-Sc Alloy, Adv. Mater. Res. 1161, 47-55, 2021.
2020 Illies O.: "Simulationsbasierte thermische Analyse zur Anpassung der Hatching-Strategie beim selektiven Laserstrahlschmelzen." Published online March 23, 2020. Accessed April 29, 2020.
2020 Mohebbi, Mohammad Sadegh, Vasily Ploshikhin: Implementation of nucleation in cellular automaton simulation of microstructural evolution during additive manufacturing of Al alloys: Additive Manufacturing, Volume 36, 101726, November 2020,
2020 Oliver Illies, V. Ploshikhin, Sebastian Matthes, und Simon Jahn: Simulationsbasierte Vorhersage des Kornwachstums für laserstrahlgeschmolzene Bauteile aus Titanlegierungen:, in DVS Congress 2020: Grosse Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS Campus: Vorträge der Online-Veranstaltungen vom 14. bis 18. September 2020, Koblenz, Sep. 2020, S. 70–76
2020 Ploshikhin, V., Illies, O., Emmelmann, C., Herzog, D., und Li, G.: Qualitätssteigerung laseradditiv gefertigter Bauteile durch Optimierung des lokalen Wärmeeintrags unter Berücksichtigung des globalen Temperaturfeldes: Schweißen und Schneiden, Nr. 03/20, März 2020
2019 Zinovieva, O., Zinoviev, A.: "Numerical analysis of the grain morphology and texture in 316L steel produced by selective laser melting", AIP Conference Proceedings 2167(1):020407, November 2019
2019 Mohebbi, M.S., Kühl, M., Ploshikhin, V.: A thermo-capillary-gravity model for geometrical analysis of single-bead wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM), Journal: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 109.3 (2020): 877-891
2019 M. Schänzel, A. Ilin, D. Shakirov, V. Ploshikhin:: Coupled thermo-mechanical process simulation method for selective laser melting considering phase transformation steels. International Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Volume 78, Number 7, 1 October 2019,, ISSN 0898-1221
2019 M. Schänzel, A. Ilin, V. Ploshikhin: New approach for fast numerical prediction of residual stress and distortion of AM parts from steels with phase transformations. Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 12, Graz, Austria, 2019, doi 10.3217/978-3-85125-615-4, ISBN 978-3-85125-616-1
2019 Slodczyk, M., Ilin, A., Kiedrowski, T., Ploshikhin, V.: Influence of multi-spot exposure of powder bed on melt pool stability in selective laser melting: Proceedings Laser 3D Manufacturing VI, 2019
2019 Siewert, M., Schnell, N., Kleszczynski, S., Witt, G., Ploshikhin, V: Alternative approach on an in-situ analysis of the thermal progression during the LPBF-M process using welded thermocouples embedded into the substrate plate: Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) Symposium, At Austin TX, USA, Volume: 26, 2019
2019 Jürgens, J.P.: "Simulationsbasierte Entwicklung eines Kohlenstoff-Nanopartikel-basierten Heizsystems zur energieeffizienten Herstellung von kohlenstofffaserverstärkten Kunststoffbauteilen mit konturnah beheizten Formwerkzeugen", Dissertation, Januar 2019
2018 Marvin Siewert, Fabian Neugebauer, Jérémy Epp, Vasily Ploshikhin: Validation of Mechanical Layer Equivalent Method for simulation of residual in additive manufactured components: in Journal: Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2018.
2018 V. Romanova, O. Zinovieva, R. Balokohonov, A. Zinoviev, V. Ploshikhin, E. Emelianova, M. Sergeev: Computer-aided design of 3D microstructures produced by additive manufacturing: AIP Conference 1. Proceedings, 2018.
2018 O. Zinovieva, V. Romanova, R. Balokohonov, A. Zinoviev, V. Ploshikhin, E. Emelianova, M. Sergeev: Computer-aided design of 3D microstructures produced by additive manufacturing: Advanced Materials with Hierarchical Structure for New Technologies and Reliable Structure, 1. book of abstracts of the International Conference, Tomsk, October 1-5, 2018.
2018 O. Zinovieva, A. Zinoviev, V. Ploshikhin: Three-dimensional cellular-automata finite-difference modeling of the grain structure evolution during selective laser melting, AAMS 2018: book of abstracts of Alloys for 1. Additive Manufacturing Symposium, Sheffield, 3-4 September 2018.
2018 A. Zinoviev, O. Zinovieva, V. Ploshikhin: Simulation of metallic powder bed additive manufacturing processes, ICCM 2018, Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Computational Methods, Rome, 6-10 August 2018
2018 O. Zinovieva, A. Zinoviev, V. Ploshikhin: Three-dimensional analysis of grain structure evolution under additive manufacturing conditions, ESMC 2018: Abstracts of the 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Bologna, 2-6 July 2018
2018 O. Zinovieva, A. Zinoviev, V. Ploshikhin, V. Romanova, R. Balokhonov: Modeling approach to predict grain structure and mechanical behavior of additively manufactured materials: Advanced Problems in Mechanics (APM-2018), Book of abstracts of the XLVI Int. Summer School–Conference, St. Petersburg, 2018
2018 O. Zinovieva, A. Zinoviev, V. Ploshikhin, V. Romanova, R. Balokhonov: Strategy of computational predictions for mechanical behaviour of additively manufactured materials, Materials Science and Technology, Volume 34 (2018) - Issue 13, p.1591 - 1605,
2018 O. Zinovieva, A. Zinoviev, V. Ploshikhin: Three-dimensional modeling of the microstructure evolution during metal additive manufacturing, Computational Materials Science, Volume 141, pp 207-220, 2018,
2018 Julian Bartels, Jan-Patrick Jürgens, Eduard Kuhn, Vasily Ploshikhin: Effects of Curvature and Alighnment of Carbon Naotubes on the Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Plymers Investigated by Mesoscopic Simulations, im Journal of Composite Materials, 2018
2018 Julian Bartels, Jan-Patrick Jürgens, Eduard Kuhn, Vasily Ploshikhin: Effects of Curvature and Alighnment of Carbon Naotubes on the Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Plymers Investigated by Mesoscopic Simulations, im Journal of Composite Materials, 2018
2017 Siewert M., Ploshikhin V.; Schlussbericht Projekt GenSim; Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover, DOI: 10.2314/GBV:1005250960
2017 Siewert M., Neugebauer F., Epp J., Ploshikhin V.; Fast Numerical Simulation of Residual Stress in Laser Beam Melting of Ti64Al4V; In Simulation for Additive Manufacturing: Book of Abstracts (p. 120). Munich
2017 Zinoviev, A., Zinovieva, O., & Ploshikhin, V.; Computational analysis of grain structure evolution during selective laser melting; In Simulation for Additive Manufacturing: Book of Abstracts (p. 120). Munich
2017 Zinovieva, O., Zinoviev, A., Ploshikhin, V., Romanova, V., & Balokhonov, R.; Additive manufacturing of steel components: numerical study of grain structure evolution and mechanical behavior In Multiscale Hierarchically Built Systems of Organic and Inorganic Nature: Book of Abstracts of the International Conference (pp. 223–224). Tomsk: Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
2017 Zinovieva, O., Zinoviev, A., Ploshikhin, V., Balokhonov, R., & Romanova, V.: Computational analysis of deformation processes in additive manufactured steel specimens, In EUROMAT 2017: Book of Abstracts of European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (D4-O-TUE-PM2), Thessaloniki
2017 Zinoviev, A., Zinovieva, O., & Ploshikhin, V.: Modeling of grain structure evolution during metal additive manufacturing, In EUROMAT 2017: Book of Abstracts of European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (C4-O-WED-PM2), Thessaloniki
2017 Zinovieva, O., Zinoviev, A., & Ploshikhin, V.: Simulation of the microstructure formation during metal additive manufacturing, In Book of Abstracts of Alloys for Additive Manufacturing Symposium (AAMS17), Dübendorf
2017 Zinovieva, O., Zinoviev, A., & Ploshikhin, V.: Three-dimensional cellular-automata finite-difference model to evaluate grain structure during laser additive manufacturing, In Advanced Problems in Mechanics (APM-2017): Book of Abstracts of the XLV International Summer School–Conference (p. 123), Saint Petersburg
2017 Neugebauer, F., Ambrosy, J., Witt, G., Ploshikhin, V.: Untersuchung der Bauteilabkühlung als Grundlage für die Verzugssimulation beim Laser-Sintern Joining Plastics, DVS Media, 2017, S. 42 - 46
2016 Keller N., Schlasche J., Xu H., Ploshikhin V.: Simulation Aided Manufacturing: Scanning Strategies for Low Distortion in Laser Beam Melting Processes, Proceedings of the Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference 2016
2016 Xu H., Ploshikhin V., Logvinov R., Kulikov A., Günther B.: Improving Part Quality in LBM Processes by Geometry Based Scan Parameter Adaption, Proceedings of the Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference 2016, p. 131-136
2016 Neugebauer F, Kober C, Ambrosy J, Ploshikhin V.: Towards Simulation of Warpage in Laser Sintering of Semi-crystalline Polymers, Proceedings Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference 2016
2016 Neugebauer F., Ploshikhin V., Ambrosy J., Witt G.,: Isothermal and non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of polyamide 12 used in laser sintering, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 124 (2), 2016
2016 Zinoviev A., Zinovieva O., Ploshikhin V., Romanova V., Balokhonov R.: Evolution of grain structure during laser additive manufacturing. Simulation by a cellular automata method, Materials and design, 106, 2016, p. 322 -329.
2016 Jürgens J.-P., Ploshikhin V., Illies O.: Energy Efficient Contour Close 3D Tool Heating System for the Production of Fibre-Reinforced Composite Parts, Proc. 5th International Carbon Composites Conference, France, 2016.
2015 Zinovieva O., Zinoviev A., Ploshikhin V., Romanova V., Balokhonov R.: A solution to the problem of the mesh anisotropy in cellular automata simulations of grain growth, Computational Materials Science 108, 2015, p. 168-176.
2015 Keller N., Kober C., Ploshikhin V., Werner C., Domagala T., Vagt C.: Möglichkeiten zur Verzugskompensation bei additiv gefertigten Bauteilen, DVS Congress 2015, 2015.
2015 Zinovieva O., Zinoviev A., Ploshikhin V., Romanova V., Balokhonov R.: Two dimensional cellular automata simulation of grain growth during solidification and recrystallization, IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 71 (1), 2015.
2015 Strasser C., Prihodovsky A., Ploshikhin V.: Platten-Press-Löten für die Herstellung großer metallischer Werkzeuge, RT-eJournal, 12, 2015.
2015 Neugebauer F., Müller N., Witt G., Ploshikhin V.: Temperature effects on tensile properties of laser sintered polyamide 12, Materials Testing 57 (7-8), 2015, p. 602-608.
2014 Ilin A., Logvinov R., Kulikov A., Prihodovsky A., Xu H., Ploshikhin V., Günther B., Bechmann F.: Computer aided optimisation of the thermal management during laser beam melting process, Physics Procedia 56, 2014, p. 390-399.
2014 Weidinger P., Günther K., Fitzel M., Logvinov R., Ilin A., Ploshikhin V., Hugger F., Mann V., Roth S., Schmidt M.: Testing of new materials and computer aided optimization of process parameters and clamping device during predevelopment of laser welding processes, Physics Procedia 56, 2014, p. 487-496.
2014 Neugebauer F., Keller N., Ploshikhin V., Feuerhahn F., Köhler H.: Multi Scale FEM Simulation for Distortion Calculation in Additive Manufacturing of Hardening Stainless Steel, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion, BIAS Verlag, 2014, p. 13 – 23.
2014 Neugebauer F., Keller N., Xu H., Kober C.; Ploshikhin V.: Simulation of Selective Laser Melting Using Process Specific Layer Based Meshing, DDMC 2014 - Proceedings of the Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference, 2014.
2014 Xu H., Keller N., Ploshikhin V.; Prihodovsky A., Illin A., Loginov R., Kulikov A., Günther B., Windfelder J., Bechmann F.: Towards Improved Thermal Management of Laser Beam Melting Processes, DDMC 2014 - Proceedings of the Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference, 2014.
2014 Keller N., Ploshikhin V.: New Method for fast predictions of residual stress and distortion of AM parts, Proc. of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, USA, Volume: 25, 2014.
2014 Keller N., Schlasche J., Kober C., Ploshikhin V., Werner C., Domagala T.: Distortion compensation in laser beam melting processes, MSTAM 2014 - Proceeding of the 1st International Symposium Materials Science and Technology of Additive Manufacturing, DVS-Berichte, Band 308, 2014, p. 7-11.
2014 Kober C., Xu H., Keller N., Ploshikhin V.: Creating a layer based mesh for additive manufacturing simulation, MSTAM 2014 - Proceeding of the 1st International Symposium Materials Science and Technology of Additive Manufacturing, DVS-Berichte, Band 308, 2014, p. 24-28.
2014 Neugebauer F., Ploshikhin V.: FEM simulation of temperature and crystallization in laser sintering of polyamide 12, MSTAM 2014 - Proceeding of the 1st International Symposium Materials Science and Technology of Additive Manufacturing, DVS-Berichte, Band 308, 2014, p. 17 - 23.
2014 Strasser, C., Prihodovsky, A., Ploshikhin, V., Plate press brazing for the production of large metallic tools, MSTAM 2014 - Proceeding of the 1st International Symposium Materials Science and Technology of Additive Manufacturing, DVS-Berichte, Band 308, 2014, p. 12 - 16.
2014 Jürgens J.-P., Ploshikhin Vasily: Towards Realization of a Cold Autoclave Process for Manufacturing of Fibre Reinforced Composites, 4th International Carbon Composites Conference, France, 2014.
2013 Tu H. Y., Weber U., Schmauder S., Ploshikhin V.: Simulation of the damage behaviour of electron beam welded joints with the Rousselier model, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 103, 2013, p.153–161.
2013 Keller N., Neugebauer F., Xu H., Ploshikhin V.: Multi-scale Simulations of Additive Layer Manufacturing of Titanium Aerospace Structures, Proc. Int. Conf. Lightmat 2013, 2013.
2011 Ploshikhin V., Jürgens J.-P.: Mesoscopic simulations of residual stress induced by the curing of composites, Proc. 3rd Int. Carbon Composite Conf., France, 2011.