Gastvorträge/ Guest Lectures/ Conférences d'invité.e.s

Vortrag und Workshop

mit Dr. phil. Charlotte Kaiser

Québec hat nicht nur eine reiche Kinolandschaft, im Film werden in der frankophonen Provinz Kanadas auch in besonderer Weise gesellschaftliche Konflikte ausgehandelt. In ihren Veranstaltungen wird Dr. phil. Charlotte Kaiser einen Überblick über die (queer) Filmgeschichte Québecs anhand des Dramas Laurence Anyways (Xavier Dolan 2012) und der Webserie Féminin/Féminin (Chloé Robichaud 2014, 2018) geben und zeigen, wie die Verbindungen zwischen nationaler Identität, Transition sowie Nostalgie und Erinnerung thematisiert und kritisch beleuchtet werden.

Vortrag am 5.6.24

18:15-19:45 Uhr, GW2, Raum A 3.570

(Hybrid, Anmeldung bis zum 4.6.24 erforderlich)

Queeres Kino in Québec: Kontinuitäten, Brüche & Agency



Workshop am 6.6.24 

12:00-13:30, SFG, Raum 1020

Eine queere Webserie aus Québec analysieren: Repräsentation queerer Frauen in Montréal


Um Anmeldung für die online Teilnahme am Vortrag wird bis zum 4.6.24 gebeten: danardprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Poster der Lesung von Marie-Célie Agnant

Institut français, 15.06.2023

Marie-Célie Agnant: « Autour du conte / au tour du conte: Erzählungen mit Marie Célie Agnant und Studierenden der Frankromanistik »


Vorlesungsreihe “Blue Humanities: Histories, Cultures, Literatures, and Media”, Universität Bremen (online), 08.11.2023

Jeannette Armstrong (University of British Columbia Okanagan): “BC Rivers, Salmon and Syilx Restoration Campaigns


14. März 2023, 17 Uhr im Raum 1220 auf der Ebene 1 der Zentrale der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen

Dr. Benjamin Peter (CAU Kiel): "Le ou les français du Canada ? – Reflexionen zur Einordnung des Französischen in Kanada“

zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Mehr als nur 'einige Morgen Schnee': Französische Literaturen, Kulturen und Sprachvielfalt in Kanada"

entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit Studierenden aus einem Seminar von Jody Danard, der SuUB und der Bremer Frankoromanistik

André Dudemaine (Directeur du Festival international Présence autochtone de Montréal & Récipiendaire du PRIX DROITS ET LIBERTÉ 2017):
“The Representation of Boarding Schools in Older Than America /La représentation des pensionnats autochtones dans Older Than

Jeudi 19 mai 2022, 10h15-11h45, MZH 1460


Paul Seesequasis: "Decolonizing the Indigenous Visual Narrative"

Thursday, 14 July 2022, 10.15-11.45 hours, MZH 1460

Paul Seesequasis will be exploring the reframing of the Indigenous archival photographic image. Photography taken from the outsider (colonial) gaze has contributed to the erasure of Indigenous peoples as living, vibrant cultures. It has constructed a colonial framing centred on statis, victimhood and the past. Contemporary Indigenous photographers are challenging these artificial poses, reframing the photographic legacy and contemporising the Indigenous image. This talk will explore the ways the archival Indigenous images, from the outside gaze, can be reclaimed and reframed and will explore the work of several contemporary Indigenous photographers as visual recorders of resistance and resurgence.


Portrait Brent McKenzie

Dr. Brent McKenzie (University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada) :

The Rise of Dark Tourism: Is the Medium Still the Message? 

June 5th, 2019 | Wednesday, 12:15 p. m. – 1:45 p. m. | Universität Bremen, Building GW2 Room B3010

Bremen-Guelph Lecture


The Rise of Dark Tourism: Is the Medium Still the Message?

Dark tourism as defined by Sharpley and Stone (2009) is “the act of travel to sites associated with death, suffering and the seemingly macabre”. Dark tourism is not new, in many societies, visiting sites associated with death is, and has been, a considerable part of the tourist experience. What has changed is the growth in the interest in the topic, as well as the ways in which one can learn about, and experience Dark tourism. From Dark tourism sites themselves, to television programs, movies, books, and social media, one can experience “death” through many media. The focus of this presentation is to build upon the famous words of Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan, “The Medium is the Message”.  This aphorism can help us to better understand that the way in which Dark topics are presented has an important role to play in how companies convey their Dark message, as well as how visitors/tourists understand the “darkness” of a site. The presentation will be supported through extensive research conducted in a region that experienced a very dark history in the latter part of the 20th century, the former Soviet Republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Details regarding our guest speaker

Dr. Brent McKenzie, (Associate Professor), is a leading expert on Marketing (Retail Sector) and Management (Dark Tourism; Transition Economies) theory and practice in the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. He serves as Associate Editor: Baltic Journal of Management; Associate Editor: Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research; and Regional Editor – Eastern Europe: International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets.

The Bremen-Guelph lecture is embedded in research colloquium Forum INPUTS:

Tourism in Postcolonial World, organised by Prof. Kerstin Knopf (Bremen Institute for Canada and Québec Studies, University of Bremen).


Foto Drew Hayden Taylor

Drew Hayden Taylor (Canadian Indigenous playwright and author):

Indigenous Theatre – The Changing Face of Storytelling 

Tuesday, October 30th, 2018 | 04:15 p.m. – 05:45 p.m. | Universität Bremen, Building GW2 Room B2.900 

The Bremen Institute of Canada and Québec Studies in collaboration with the International Literature Festival globale° proudly presents the award-winning Canadian Indigenous playwright and author Drew Hayden Taylor. In his work, Drew Hayden Taylor merges light and heavy themes as he skillfully portrays our world and worlds beyond. As adept storyteller, the Indigenous Canadian author explores questions of cultural belonging, multifaceted identities and the complex history of Canada’s ‘First Nations’ and the settlers (and their descendants) with humour and keen wit. In his lecture, Taylor will give an insight into his creative work.

Drew Hayden Taylor’s open guest lecture is embedded in a seminar by Prof. Kerstin Knopf (Bremen Institute of Canada and Québec Studies, University of Bremen) that she offers in the master programme “English-Speaking Cultures: Language, Text, Media”.



Prof. Manuel Meune (UdeM, Canada) :

Frankoprovenzalisch in den Sprachgrenzkantonen Freiburg und Wallis (Schweiz). ‚Restdiglossie‘ und neuen Perspektiven 

Donnerstag, 31.05.2018 | 09:15 – 10:00 | GW2 A 3.570 (Fachbereichsraum)

Mit ihren vier Amtssprachen erscheint die Schweiz als ein Land, das sich für Sprachminderheiten einsetzt. Doch der schmeichelhafte Ruf täuscht etwas, wenn man alle autochthonen Sprachen betrachtet, d.h. auch Frankoprovenzalisch (oft Patois genannt), das jahrhundertelang die gesprochene Sprache der heute weitgehend frankophonen ‚Romandie‘ war. Die Präsentation behandelt die Situation dieser Sprache in der mehrsprachigen Schweiz – aber auch in Frankreich (Bresse, Lyonnais, Savoyen) und Italien (Aostatal). Erörtert werden die Möglichkeiten der Revitalisierung dieser oft totgesagten Sprache im Hinblick auf die Machbarkeit bestimmter Projekte (Wiederaufleben durch den Schulunterricht, Standardisierung, usw.). Analysiert werden insbesondere Befragungen von Sprechern des Dialekts Freiburgs, das zusammen mit dem Wallis noch als Patois-Kanton gilt.

Im Rahmen des: Forschungskolloquium Romanische Sprachwissenschaft/Linguistisches Kolloquium: Sprachkontakte und kontaktbedingter Sprachwandel – Aktuelle Forschungsfragen aus der Romania


Professor Laurent McFalls (Université de Montréal) :
Révolutions tranquilles… ou sans lendemains? Le Québec entre progressisme et paralysie 

16/05/2018 | 02:15 p.m. – 03:45 p.m. | Universität Bremen, Rotunde im Cartesium, Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5 

Depuis la défaite des Patriotes en 1837-38, le Québec a connu plusieurs moments d’élan et d'échec révolutionnaires, le plus récent étant le « Printemps d’érable » de 2012. Cette conférence explorera les causes et conséquences de ses mouvements progressistes, de leur timidité, et du non aboutissement des projets national et (social) démocratique dans un Québec qui toutefois réussit à dépasser le reste du Canada dans la réalisation de ses prétentions progressistes. La conférence s’appuiera notamment sur l’analyse de feu Fernand Dumont du discours national québécois et de ses blocages intrinsèques.

Laurence McFalls (PhD, Harvard) est depuis 1991 professeur de science politique à l’Université de Montréal où il dirige également le Centre canadien d’études allemandes et européennes et le Groupe de formation à la recherche international « Diversity ». Ses recherches et publications portent sur les causes et les suites de l’effondrement du communisme en RDA, les épistémologies et théories sociales de Max Weber et Michel Foucault, et la critique du néolibéralisme et sa mode de domination « thérapeutique ». Depuis 2014 il travaille en collaboration avec un cinéaste documentariste sur le « Open Memory Box », une (anti)archive numérique basée sur 415 heures de films de famille tournés en RDA.


Professor Ursula Moser (Universität Innsbruck):
“La diverCity Montréal ou: Dany Laferrière et la constitution littéraire de la ville”

16/05/2018 | Universität Bremen, Rotunde im Cartesium, Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5 

The city of Montreal has been the subject of countless literary compositions and transformations, from Gabrielle Roy’s ‘city text’ Bonheur d’occasion (1945) to the postmodern ‘text cities’ created by Dany Laferrière. Born in Haiti, Laferrière came to Montreal in 1976, moved to Miami in 1990, and settled down in Montreal a second time in 2002 (2004 respectively). Just like his biography, his literary work keeps returning to Montreal. The lecture focuses on how Laferrière constitutes the ‘text city’ Montreal in his early novels; it then sheds lights on the specific constitution of the diverCity Montreal (Melanie U. Pooch  2016) in one of the author’s more recent texts, Je suis un écrivain japonais (2008). In this novel, Laferrière defines the city of Montreal by means of three coordinates: “globalisation”, “global city”, and “cultural diversity”.


Dr. Adam Sneyd, Associate Professor, Political Science, University of Guelph, Kanada :
Commodity Politics: Contesting Responsibility in Cameroon
3. Bremen-Guelph Lecture

Wednesday, May 16th, 2018 | 10:30 a. m. – 12:00 noon | Universität Bremen, Rotunde im Cartesium, Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5

In this talk, Dr. Adam Sneyd will discuss initial findings from a research project that he is leading in Cameroon on the politics of palm oil, cocoa, sugar, gold and the oil pipeline. His recently completed PhD student, Dr. Steffi Hamann, a Bremen graduate, conducted field research for this project. The talk focuses on the new politics associated with 'responsibility'. Stakeholders in commodity projects make increasing use of this term. In what ways, if any, is the new politics of more 'responsible' commodities changing business-as-usual in Cameroon?


Professor Jade Ferguson, School of English and Theatre Studies, College of Arts, University of Guelph:

Seeking Sanctuary: Mob Violence, Black Citizenship, and Anti-Lynching Activism in Canada

1. Bremen – Guelph Lecture

Tuesday, 25th April 2017 | 02:15 p.m. – 03:45 p.m. | UNICOM 3, Haus Turin, Ebene 0, Seminarraum 4

Abstract: In 1922, the Bullock case became an international cause célèbre that dramatically encapsulated the multiple forms of desubjectivation, dispossession, and violence historically experienced by Blacks in the United States and Canada. Matthew Bullock, a young African American man, fled to Hamilton, Ontario after his brother and cousin were lynched by a white mob on the outskirts of Norlina, North Carolina. Shaped by the enduring and eponymous images of black masculinity that emerged in the US South, the rhetorical strategies employed by black activists to garner public support for Bullock’s extraordinary petition for safety and justice reflected the highly constrained meaning of black citizenship in both nations. In this lecture, Professor Ferguson will trace the political sophistication of black activists to use the press to re-shape white readers' commonsense perceptions of national citizenship and identity. However, the repeated scene of weeping in black churches in Hamilton and Toronto, after the United States’ request for Bullock’s extradition was denied, was not an expression of black gratitude for sanctuary in Canada, as reported in the local newspapers, but a response to the strangled freedom and illegible humanity of black lives that the granting of sanctuary exposed.

Professor Jade Ferguson is an Associate Professor at the University of Guelph, Canada. Her research and teaching interests include 19th to mid-20th century American and Canadian literatures, Black cultural and literary studies, New Southern Studies, whiteness studies, and critical race theory. She is currently completing a manuscript on the cultural history of lynching in Canada, provisionally titled Lynching in Canaan: Race, Violence, and Cultural Memory in Canada, 1880-1950.



Evelyn Camille (Elder of Tk'emlúps Indian Band, Secwepemc Nation, Canada) :

“Indigenous Knowledge, Ecologies and Resistance”, Bremen 

Thursday, 6th April 2017


Martina Seifert: “Of Boys and Bears: Canada in German Children’s Literature

Universität Bremen, Kanada-Studientag 

Thursday, 15th December 2016

Jeanette Armstrong (The University of British Columbia, Canada):

Keynote: “Syilx knowledges: A decolonial strategy” 

Wednesday, 16th March 2016 | 09:30 – 10:30 a.m. | GW1, Room HS 0070 

Third Bremen Conference on Language and Literature in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts (BCLL #3): “Postcolonial Knowledges”, 15th-18th March 2016.

Amatoritsero Ede (Carleton University, Canada):

"The Untranslatability of African Language Literature"

Thursday, 17th March 2016 | 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. | GW1, Room HS 1010 

Third Bremen Conference on Language and Literature in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts (BCLL #3): “Postcolonial Knowledges”, 15th-18th March 2016.

Prof. Stéphanie Nutting (University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada) :

"Réflexions sur le conte et l’affect dans la culture québécoise contemporaine"

Mardi, 23 Juin 2015 | 08h30 – 09h45 | Studierhaus D 1020 

Pourquoi, en cette ère de l’image, est que le Québec connaît un engouement pour l’art des contes ? Comment est-ce que les jeunes conteurs comme Fred Pellerin et Fabien Cloutier sont devenus aussi célèbres que les chanteurs de rock ? La professeure Nutting vous présentera un aperçu de ces conteurs connus et explorera quelques thèmes qui résonnent chez les spectateurs québécois contemporains. Elle évoquera aussi, brièvement, des hypothèses qui expliqueraient pourquoi le conte peut susciter une réaction puissante, tant émotive que physique, chez le récepteur. 

"Reflections on Storytelling and Affect in Contemporary Quebec Culture"

Why is it that, in this intensely visual era, Quebec has witnessed a surge of interest in the art of storytelling? How did young « conteurs » like Fred Pellerin and Fabien Cloutier become as popular as rock stars ? In her talk, Professor Nutting will offer a glimpse of the work of these well-known storytellers and discuss some of the themes which resonate with contemporary Quebec audiences. She will also touch briefly on some hypotheses about why storytelling is such a powerful force in eliciting emotional and physical response in the listener.


Prof. Paul Morris (Université de Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg, Canada) :

"The History of Emily Montague and the Representation of Francophone Canada"

Tuesday, 07th July 2015 | 10.15 a.m. – 11.45 a.m. | MZH 1090 

In his presentation, Professor Morris will discuss several of the various political dimensions of Frances Brooke’s The History of Emily Montague as they pertain to the representation of Francophone Canada. Through a reading of her references to the colonial policies of post-conquest New France and, in particular, her framing of the central marriage plot of the novel, he will suggest that the novel’s depiction of Canada’s Francophone population established what was to become a longstanding perception. More specifically, Professor Morris will suggest that the (gendered) politics of marriage represented by the central English characters of the novel serve as the key metaphoric device in representing Québec’s Francophone population. He will conclude in proposing that Brooke’s (gendered) depiction of Canada’s Francophone population has persisted into the twenty-first century making of Emily Montague a novel which is deeply Canadian in terms of its depiction of the country’s French-English relations.


Prof. Jocelyn Létourneau (Université Laval, Québec, Canada) :

"Les jeunes savent sans savoir. Le passé du Québec dans la conscience de sa jeunesse"

Mercredi, 18 Juin 2014 | 14h15 – 15h45 | GW2 B 2900 

«Jadis, il y avait des Amérindiens, ensuite des bûcherons, maintenant des indécis. - Damals gab's Indianer, dann Holzfäller und jetzt Unentschlossene" - so lautet eine der Perlen in Jocelyn Létourneaus neuestem Buch "Je me souviens? Le passé du Québec dans la conscience de sa jeunesse" (Montréal: Fides 2014) über das Geschichtsbild junger Québecer. Über 10 Jahre lang wurden dazu über spontane Kurzfassungen von über 3000 Schülern und Studenten gesammelt und ausgewertet. Über ein Drittel sehen den Verlauf der québecer Geschichte seit der Gründung Neufrankreichs im 17. Jahrhundert - über die britische Eroberung, das schwierige Überleben als kulturelle Minderheit in Nordamerika bis zu den mehrfach gescheiterten Versuche nationaler Unabhängigkeit - als eine Kette von Niederlagen. Ein gutes Viertel beurteilt die Geschichte der Provinz als ein "Weder-noch" oder enthält sich einer Wertung, nur ein knappes Fünftel zieht eine überwiegend positive Bilanz. Wie entwickelt sich dieses "gefühlte" Geschichtsbild mit zunehmendem Alter? Unterscheidet sich der Blick der anglophonen Jugendlichen von denen der französischsprachigen? Sind die Autochtonen, ist Kanada für sie Teil der québecer Geschichte? Auf diese wie auf (Ihre) weiteren Fragen verspricht der Vortrag von Prof. Létourneau überraschende Antworten.


Prof. Paul D. Morris (Université de Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada):

"Multiculturalism and Its Discontents: Canadian Literature and the Evolution of the Canadian Paradigm of National Identity"

Friday, 20 June 2014 | 12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. | SFG 2020 

The Canadian literary institution has long played a pivotal role in both shaping and reflecting successive paradigms of national identity. Since confederation, Canadian literature has consistently provided faithful representation of each of the successive paradigms of national self-understanding.

In this presentation, I wish to explore Canadian literature for evidence of what I will present as a harbinger of a contemporary, multi-dimensional challenge to the current paradigm of multiculturalism. Canadian literature, I will suggest, is showing signs of broader societal discontent with multiculturalism, a concept which is increasingly perceived as inadequate in responding to the varying forms of difference at play in Canadian society. Although the challenge to multiculturalism is emanating from disparate sources, this presentation will make primary reference to texts expressive of a “postethnic” understanding of both individual and national identity.


Portrait Manuel Meune

Prof. Dr. Manuel Meune:

Rot-grün-blau – die Farben des québecer Frühlings. Vom Studentenstreik zur Bürgerbewegung


Prof. Dr. Henry Beissel:

"A Threshold in the Mind: A Poet's View of the North"



Prof. Dr. Rinaldo Walcott (Toronto):

“Genres of Human: A New Cosmo-Politics”
Wednesday, 13 April 2011 | 10 – 12:00 | SFG 2030

Rinaldo Walcott is associate professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. His work focuses on Black Studies, Canadian Studies, Cultural Studies, Diaspora Studies and Gender and Queer Theory. He is currently the Canada Research Chair of Social Justice and Cultural Studies.

supported by the Bremer Institut für Kulturforschung