Developing your "research profile"

Course 2025-09

Monday, 10 March 2025, 09:00 - 17:00 (Workshop)
Tuesday, 11 March 2025 (Coaching with individual appointments)


Trainer: Dr. B. Elija Bleher, Scholz CTC GmbH

scrabble letters: "make plan"

Developing a unique research profile plays an important role in establishing a successful research career. This workshop will enable participants to further plan their scientific careers and develop their research profiles, allowing for their individual trajectories.

Workshop Description
At pivotal points in their career, researchers often feel a need to reflect on their competency and their own position and to balance various career options. This applies especially to the transition period between qualification phases. In addition, potential employers and funders increasingly require clear-cut research and career profiles from the applicants in order to check whether they fit the position within the institution or program. Knowing your own strengths and interests as well as the relevant funding programs and career development schemes are the key to taking considered decisions on the way forward.

In this workshop, we will first help you to analyze your status and goals. Secondly, the workshop will give an insight into the research system in Germany and Europe as well as into different funding and career development schemes so that in the end you will have further elaborated your own specific research profile.
(Optional) individual coaching sessions on the second day will help you to pave your way towards successful applications with reference to your own needs and ambitions.


The workshop aims particularly at postdocs in the early phase after completing the doctorate. More advanced postdoctoral researchers, who would like to work further on their research profiles, are welcome as well.

To book your place in this workshop (course number 2025-09), please fill out this registration form until 10 February 2025.

Trainer: Dr. Bärbel Elija Bleher

Dr. Bärbel Elija Bleher is a consultant at CTC Scholz GmbH and the managing director of a research school in the field of climate change research. She gained her PhD in biology from RWTH Aachen, Germany, and has more than 20 years of experience in research and research management.