Research Data Management (RDM) for Social Scientists

From concepts to daily work

Workshop at BIGSSS

Date: 5 + 6 December 2024, 10:00 to 15:00

Venue: BIGSSS Conference Room, Unicom Building, Room 7.3280, Mary-Somerville-Str. 7.

Trainer: Dr. Nils Düpont, SOCIUM

Studierende im Gespräch in einem Seminarraum.

Research Data Management increasingly gained importance both in the general discussion on open science and scientific practices as well as with journals, funders and institutions asking for data management plans or replication material to be stored in specific repositories. But how does it affect your daily work?

In this workshop we will start with the fundamentals of RDM (e.g. the FAIR principles, research data lifecycle, data management plan, metadata, repositories) before getting down to the nitty-gritty of integrating RDM practices into your daily work. At the end of the workshop, you will:

  • understand the basics of RDM;
  • get to know the concepts and rationale of FAIR data;
  • got the idea with how and why file naming and folder structures on your computer, backup strategies or version control tools, make your life easier and
  • help you to meet RDM goals.


Please book your place in this workshop directly by mail with Nils Düpont