
Authentic career management and leadership (Day 1 & 2 = 1 CP)

Organizer : Career Center
Location : Online
Start Time : 21. February 2025, 08:00
End Time : 24. February 2025, 16:00
Kategorie : Career Center

part1"Self Reflection in Career Management - Strength, Weeknesses, How to sell yourself"
What makes one more successful in their career than others? You need to stand out, be easily recognized as a relevant high potential candidate and be easily remembered.

But how can you proactively and strategically reach that? The key is a combination of clarity regarding your goals, self reflection and awareness as well as a set of strategies and methods to sell yourself in the most successful way.

This seminar provides you with the relevant information and tools to empower you on a long term basis in these areas.

part2 "How to bring your career forward and become a leader - individual strategy development "
This seminar will provide you information on how you can proactively increase visibility, gain relevant network contacts, mentors and sponsors to get considered for higher responsibility positions.

Furthermore you get to know relevant skills and abilities to develop for a leadership career and develop strategies on how to take responsibility and control over your future career development.

Registrations for February run from 28 November 2024 to Sunday, 12 January 2025 via (Event Search / Search in Course Catalogue / Interdisciplinary Study Programmes / Career Center under: Selbstorganisation & Soft Skills).
As soon as the registration process is closed, you will receive an email from us with the access data!


Julia Heber - M. Sc. Produktionstechnik (industrielles Management) & Systemischer Business Coach -


Interdisciplinary for international students, graduates and doctoral candidates

Date & Location

Friday, 21 and Monday, 24 February 2025 from 08:00 - 16:00, Online.