How to apply in Germany
Information for International Students, Alumni, and Scientific Workers
Finding a job can be a challenging task, no matter where you’re from. For people with an international background, however, job searching can present some additional challenges. The Career Center is here to help! We’ve collected tips designed specifically for job-searching international students, alumni, and scientific workers at the Uni Bremen.
Still have questions? Contact the Career Center-Team for advice for your specific situation. You are also welcome to attend our events e.g. on the topics: "Application & Self-Presentation" as well as "Labour Markets".
Dr. Stephan Determann
Counselling exclusively for international students and graduates as well as for international research assistants and international academics with work experience
ZB-B, B 0580
Counselling dates by appointment only
Phone: +49 (0)421-218-6 10 32
E-mail: sdetermannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Getting Started
Whether you’re just starting your degree or starting your last semester, there are some concrete steps you can take TODAY to start getting prepared for a successful career in Germany. Here are a few steps we recommend for all students, but especially for international students, alumni, and scientific workers:
moreApplication Documents
It’s never too early to start preparing your application documents! Use the information below to write a great application for the German job market so that you’re ready to go as soon as you find that perfect job opportunity.
moreThe Job Interview
Your hard work writing your resume and cover letter has paid and now you have a job interview! Your first step: celebrate! Your second step: prepare!
moreStarting Your Job
Your first day of work can be exciting but also a little scary. If you’ve never worked in Germany before, take some time to inform yourself about what to expect in a German workplace.