Occupational Fields
This is our collection of links to career pages and job portals for various occupational fields.
- Career Informations for the USA - Career Descriptions, Job Profiles etc. The Career Descriptions section offers:
- Real-World Career Stories containing over 1000 unique job descriptions and career advice as told by those in each occupation.
- Comparative US salary and job growth information on hundreds of careers.
- Top US cities for each job indicating which metro areas have the most jobs per capita.
- Top industries for each career in terms of employment and salary.
- College search tools for helping those wishing to continue their education in the US
- US city and town information with comparative crime, demographic, and other stats on 20,000+ places in the States.
- www.deutschland.de/en/science/international-cooperations.html
Deutschlandportal - listing of international projects in education and research
- https://analytik.news/en/
Online-magazine for chemistry, laboratory, analysis and life sciences
- https://www.biodeutschland.org/de/karriere.html
Current vacancies at BIO Deutschland as well as job advertisements from T5 Jobörse, who are experts for life sciences careers
- https://www.biokon.de/en/aktuelles/bionik-jobs/
bionics-network: jobs related to bionics
- https://bdbiol.de/englisch/
Professional Association of German Biologists (Berufsvertretung Deutscher Biologen e.V.)
- https://www.bionity.com/de/jobs/
Jobs in the Biotech, Pharma and Life Sciences sectors
- https://www.jobvector.de/en/jobs/biologe/
Jobs for engineers, computer scientists, physicians & life scientists
- https://www.julius-kuehn.de/en/job-offers
Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
- https://www.nature.com/naturecareers/
Job market of the trade journal Nature
- https://www.vbio.de/about-vbio
With BIG (Biofirmen-Internet-Gateway) the vbio offers a portal to the Homepages of currently over 8.000 companies and und institutions related to the biological sciences. The database was established in 1997 and is constantly updated.
- https://analytik.news/en/jobs/
Online magazine for chemistry, laboratory, analysis and life sciences
- https://apothekenjobs.de/
Job portal for pharmacists and pharmacists
- https://www.chemie.de/jobs/
career network for chemistry and life sciences
- https://en.gdch.de/education-career/job-market.html
German Chemical Society eV (GDCh)
- https://www.internetchemistry.com/chemistry-jobs/
internet link to the chemistry job market
- www.jobvector.com/
Jobs for engineers, computer scientists, physicians & life scientists
market for cultural professions
- Job market compact: ICT occupations (only available in German)
The report on ICT professionals in Computer Science, Information and Communication Technology occupations, which was last published in 2019, has been updated and placed in the context of transformation. It describes the job market of ICT occupations that play a major role in the context of digitalisation. Today, there is no sector of the economy that can do without ICT specialists, as information technology has increasingly found its way into traditional industries as well as into craft enterprises or public service providers.
- https://www.bitkom.org/EN
Germany’s digital association
Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und Neue Medien e.V. (BITKOM)
- https://www.dice.com/
An information and job portal for people working in the IT sector
- https://germantechjobs.de/en/jobs/Mobile/all
IT job board
- https://gi.de/service/stellenanzeigen/
job offers for members of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) Wissenschaftszentrum
- https://www.gfai.de/en/careers/jobs
Job offer from the Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik e.V. (GFaI)
- https://www.it-topjobs.de/
Online job fair for IT- and telecommunications specialists
- https://www.jobvector.de/en/
Jobs for engineers, computer scientists, physicians & life scientists
- https://swissdevjobs.ch/jobs/Java/all
IT Jobs in der Schweiz
- https://www.turing.com/jobs
job portal for computer science
- https://www.efinancialcareers.co.uk/
Internships and jobs for the financial markets
- www.ipc-darmstadt.de/
Internship abroad for industrial engineering, business informatics and business mathematics - (IPC) International Placement Center e.V.
Deutscher Bildungsserver - jobs for teachers at general-education and vocational schools
Pädagogischer Austauschdienst: offers for German and foreign students, teaching degree students and teachers
Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste (ijgd): internships in workcamps
- https://www.airbus.com/en/careers
Airbus Group - jobs and applications
- https://www.bvl.de/praktikumsboerse/
Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e. V. information for students
- https://dibev.de/
Deutscher Ingenieurinnenbund (dib)
- https://www.elektroingenieur.net/
Jobs, employers, degree programs and further education for electrical engineers
- https://www.gesamtmetall.de/
Employers association for the metal and electronics industry
- https://www.ingenieur-jobs.com/
Jobs for engineers: from plant construction to shipbuilding
- https://www.jobvector.de/en/
Jobs for engineers, computer scientists, physicians & life scientists
- https://www.vdi.de/en/home
The Association of German Engineers (VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure))
- https://www.qreer.com/
European Technical Job Board in Engineering, Software, Science & Technology
- https://www.vde.com/en
The Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies
- https://www.vdma.org/
Verband deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. (VDMA) - German Engineering Association
- https://www.space-careers.com/
Space Industry jobs
- https://www.zvei.org/en/association/career/
job offers at German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (ZVEI - Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V.)
- www.bund.net
Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND): internships and jobs
- www.dbu.de
German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)): job offers and scholarships
- https://www.energycareer.net/
Career in the energy industry
- https://greenish.careers/en
Job board specializing in green jobs / job postings in the sustainability industry.
- https://oekoportal.de/jobs
You can find top eco jobs at universities and colleges around the world here. The jobs available are directly linked to the respective uni / college.
- https://wwf.panda.org
World Wide Fund for Nature: Job opportunities with WWF
- www.sej.org/initiatives/mentor-program/overview
Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ): Careers in environmental journalism: mentoring program
- www.umweltbundesamt.de/block/uba-als-arbeitgeber
Internships, job offers with the UBA
- https://www.windindustrie-in-deutschland.de/jobs/
Job portal for careers in the wind industry
- https://www.bbr.bund.de/BBR/EN/Home/
Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR)
- https://www.bgr.bund.de/EN/Home/homepage
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
- https://www.bkg.bund.de/DE/Home/home.html
Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
- https://www.dggv.de/en/about-us/
The German Geological Society (DGGV)
- https://www.earthworks-jobs.com/
Jobs in oil, energy, mining, geoscience, seismology, geodesy, earth science, earth system science, environmental science, environmental engineering, remediation, contaminated land, agriculture, forestry, ecology, plant science, meteorology, atmospheric science, oceanography, marine science, geography, hydrology, hydrogeology, soil science, remote sensing, GIS, geomatics, geotechnical / civil engineering, transport, asbestos surveying, renewable energy, carbon management, EIA, EMS, waste management, sustainable development, electrical engineering, maintenance engineering and related subjects.
- https://www.gdi-de.org/en
The Spatial Data Infrastructure Germany (SDI Germany) is a joint project of the Federal Government, the federal states and local authorities to make their spatial data available in a standardised and simple way via the Internet.
- https://geoberuf.de/about-us/informations-in-english
German Professional Association of Geoscientists (BDG)
- https://www.dgfg.org/
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie (DGfG)
- https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/en/career/job-offers
Job offers of the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ)
- https://www.geobranchen.de/
Business directory for geobusiness and geoscience
- https://www.geobranchen.de/geojobs/
Job exchange of Geobranchen.de
- https://www.dajv.de/en/home-en/
German American Internship-Service for law students and trainee lawyers
- https://elsa-germany.org/en/
ELSA - European Law Students' Association
- https://stellenmarkt.lawjobs.de/
job offers for legal practitioners
- https://aktuar.de/en/
German Association of Actuaries (Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e.V. DAV)
- https://www.mathematik.de/en
The Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV)
- https://www.gdv.de/gdv-en
German Insurance Association (Gesamtverband der deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV))
- https://www.jobvector.de/en/
Jobs for engineers, computer scientists, physicians & life scientists
- https://www.mathejobs.de/
Job offers for mathematicians
- https://www.acad.jobs/Jobs/Mathematics-Statistics/
Worldwide job portal for mathematics and statistics
- https://www.gamm.org/en/
International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik)
- https://dasauge.co.uk/jobs/
job market for designers, photographers, multimedia and advertising
- https://kreativ.mfg.de/
The information portal for the IT- & media industry in Baden-Würtemberg
- https://www.gwa.de/jobs-praktika/
Gesamtverband Kommunikationsagenturen GWA - contacts, jobs and links
- www.journalism.columbia.edu
Columbia University: Graduate School of Journalism - Networking Links
- https://jobs.physicstoday.org/
American Institute of Physics - Physics Today Career Network
- https://www.iop.org/careers-physics
Institute of Physics' career pages - Institute of Physics London
- https://www.cnrs.fr/en
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- https://careers.cern/
CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN
- https://www.jobs.ac.uk/
Jobs at universities and research facilities in Great Britain
- https://www.jobvector.de/en/
Jobs for engineers, computer scientists, physicians & life scientists
- https://jobs.pro-physik.de/
Job market
- www.weltderphysik.de/wir/praktika/
Among other things, the site offers an overview of the physical institutes at German universities, the non-university research institutes and other public institutions with tasks in physics.
- https://www.apa.org/education-career
American Psychological Association: Career Informations
- https://www.bps.org.uk/jobs
The British Psychological Society Careers Service Website
- https://www.dgps.de/en/about-dgps/
German Psychological Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie(DGPs)) - course of studies and beyond
- https://www.dgph.info/en/career-options/job-offers/
The German Public Health Association (DGPH)
- www.dh.gov.uk
Department of Health and Social Care in Greatbritain: The DHSC offers both full and part-time positions, volunteering and placement opportunities and has a graduate training scheme.
- www.nhscareers.nhs.uk
Joblinks from the National Health Service (NHS) in Greatbritain
- https://academicpositions.co.uk/
International career network for academics, researchers and scientists.
- https://www.academics.com/
career portal of the sciences - online job market for education and research in the german language area. An initiative by DIE ZEIT and Forschung & Lehre.
- https://www.euraxess.de/
The Mobility Portal is an initiative by the European Comission and the member states, meant to help scientists find information pertinent to spending a research period abroad. It has been expanded to include information on scholarships and visa for all European and associated countries.
- https://www.eurosciencejobs.com/
Science Jobs in Europe
- https://facultyvacancies.com/
FacultyVacancies.com supports advancement in higher education and research helping Universities, Academies, Colleges, Faculties, Schools, Academic Departments, Institutes and Research Centers to recruit domestic and international talent.
- https://www.giga-hamburg.de/en/career
Jobs and internships at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies
- https://www.helmholtz.de/en/career/job-vacancies/
The Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft is an association of natural sciences / technical and medical / biological research centers. The 15 Helmholz-Zentren employ aprox. 25.700 employees. 40 percent of these work on natural phenomena, advancing technological development and to make generally furthering progress in the medical / biological field.
- https://www.kisswin.de/
Communication and information platform for students at universities and universities of applied sciences, employees whishing to do their doctorate, PhD students, post-Phds, postdoctoral fellows, junior professors, German and foreign scientists, graduate colleges as well as all persons interested in a scientific career in Germany.
- https://www.myscience.de/en/jobs
The job board for scientists, researchers and engineers in Germany or nearby
- https://www.researchgate.net/jobs
ResearchGATE.net is a worldwide platform for scientists and researchers of all diciplines.
- www.dbsh.de/
(DBSH) German Professional Association for Social Work e.V.
- https://www.stellenmarkt-sozial.de/
Portal for specialists and managers in the social and healthcare sector
- https://www.wila-arbeitsmarkt.de/stellenanzeigen/
Labor market Education Culture and social affairs
- https://www.ijgd.de/en/workcamps
International Youth Community Services (ijgd): Internships in workcamps
American Political Science Association: Political Science Job Resourceshttps://careercenter.asanet.org/
American Sociological Association: Careers and Jobs
- https://www.britsoc.co.uk/opportunities/sociology-vacancies-board/
British Sociological Association: Sociology Vacancies Board
GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
The Social Research Center Dortmund
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) - job offers for social scientists
Swiss Unemployment Insurance (UI) and public employment service portal
University of Graz: Top jobs for sociology graduates
Vacancies in the Dutch employment services
The German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi) e.V.
German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS) e.V.
- https://www.bildungsserver.de/
Deutscher Bildungsserver - jobs for teachers at general-education and vocational schools
- https://www.kmk-pad.org/
Pädagogischer Austauschdienst: offers for German and foreign students, teaching degree students and teachers
- https://www.fadaf.de/mitgliederservice/stellenausschreibungen/
Vacancies - Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprachee.V.
- https://www.ijgd.de/workcamps
Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste (ijgd): internships in workcamps