On these pages you will find information about our research and the people involved.
Center for Decision Research
Contact Us
PD Dr. Tanja Pritzlaff-Scheele
Elke Mindermann
Phone: +49 (0)421 218 67800
E-Mail: philosekprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Postal Address
Universität Bremen
Institut für Philosophie
FB 9 Kulturwissenschaften
Postfach 330 440
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 7
Seminar- und Forschungs-
(SFG) 4. Ebene
28359 Bremen
Modern societies are referred to as “decision societies”. On the one hand the number of opportunities to choose between options is growing. On the other hand, the cases and instances in which individuals or collective agents are forced to make decisions are increasing as well. Overall, the complexity and scope of decision-making processes seems to rise in many areas of modern societies.
Not only modern societies, but also decision-centered research is confronted with new questions due to global crises and technical innovations.
The Center for Decision Research, founded in 2018, wants to deal with these challenges by creating spaces for interdisciplinary exchange in decision-centered research.