
With perspektive promotion, we promote networking, interaction and self-organization among female* doctoral researchers. After all, pursuing a doctorate predominantly means working in isolation. For many, this leads to a sense of insecurity, motivational difficulties and writing blocks. Discussing how to deal with difficulties of this sort often provides enormous relief.

Through our networking services, you will experience a stimulating feeling of togetherness and strengthen one another.

Doctors ‚n’ kid

Co-working-Space for female* doctoral researchers and women*, who are interested in a doctorate having (small) children

Starting and pursuing a doctorate costs a lot of time and energy. At once, daily routine and regular exchange possibilities are often lacking in the everyday life of doctoral researchers. If the responsibility for (small) children comes on top, the challenges are even greater: time for work is always rare, flexibility is reduced and personal resources are rapidly exhausted.

Especially female* doctoral researchers and women* who are interested in a doctorate having (small) children often have trouble to stay tuned to their dissertation project or to reconnect after a “baby break” with research and the academic environment. Networking and interacting with women* who are in a similar situation as well as a regular appointment in the university premises can help against this kind of alienation.

Our co-working offer gives you the opportunity to meet up once a week with other female* doctoral researchers and women* interested in a doctorate and having (small) children at the university. In this setting, you can try to share academic working on the one hand and caring for the children on the other hand. The family room established by the working group “Familiy friendly University” provides therefore wireless LAN and workplaces as well as an activity area and baby changing facilities.

weekly on Wednesdays 1 to 5 pm

Family room established by the AG FFS (accessible via the rooms of the nursery “Wuselhöhle” on the Boulevard)

Max. 5 participants* with children

Registration and contact: perspektive promotion


Due to a lack of demand, there are no talk sessions planned (for now). Please contact us via e-mail, if you would be interested in participating!

Responsible person:

Madeleine Löning, perspektive promotion


Time for exchange – Online talk session for female doctoral researchers of all departments

After an initial phase of adjustment and organisation, we all are living some sort of “coronavirus pandemic everyday life”. Face to-face contacts of personal and scientific life remain limited and most of our communication is based on the use of online conference tools. If you feel the desire to exchange views on your daily PhD life on a regular basis, in our online talk sessions we offer you the opportunity to stay in contact with other doctoral candidates.

During our online talk sessions, you can discuss questions such as "How is my dissertation advancing?”, “What are my intermediate goals to achieve?” and “How do I stay motivated?”. Furthermore, you can share your experiences with other doctoral researchers and give or get advice. We, the team of perspektive promotion, accompany the talk sessions and answer general questions on the process of accomplishing a PhD.

For the online talk sessions we are using the video conference software StarLeaf.
Please enlist for each date separately via our registration form.

Language: English

Due to a lack of demand, there are no talk sessions planned (for now). Please contact us via e-mail (perspektive.promotionprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de), if you would be interested in participating!

Responsible person:

Kathrin Faber & Madeleine Löning, perspektive promotion


Kathrin Faber

E-Mail:  kathrin.faberprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 421 218 - 60185
Building: Unicom 2, House Oxford
Room:  2.1090

Child Care

We are able to refund the costs for a babysitter during the participation in a workshop. Please contact us in advance of the workshop-date.