Rachel Ringe

Rachel Ringe

Digital Media Lab
MZH, Room 6410
Bibliothekstr. 5
D-28359 Bremen

rringeuni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Tel: +49 (0)421 218-64414


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Research Interests

  • Human-robot interaction (HRI)
  • Human-AI interaction (HAI)
  • Trust in robots and AI
  • Development and evaluation of research methods and tools in the field of HRI and HAI



Possible theses topics:

  • Development and validation of a modified version of the HCT Questionnaire
  • Comparison of different methods for measuring the difficulty of kitchen tasks

Curriculum Vitae

RachelRinge has been a research assistant at the Digital Media Lab since December 2022. After studying media and cultural studies, she reoriented herself to the field of computer science in the Bachelor of Digital Media and Master of Computer Science at the University of Bremen.
Rachel is part of the project "MUHAI: Meaning and understanding in Human-centered artificial intelligence". In the project and her dissertation, she is researching the quantification of trust in robots and AI and the influence of various factors on interaction with kitchen robots.


Projects and publications



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