Physics, M.Sc._

  • lettering "New from WiSe 2025/2026" on a picture of a person working on a transmission electron microscope

    Leave the basics behind

    and gain expert knowledge in theory and practice.

The study program builds on a bachelor in physics or another natural science or engineering degree. The objective of the Master's program is to provide specialized training in several sub-subjects of physics at the highest level. Students are encouraged to adopt autonomous and goal-oriented ways of learning and working. The program is divided into two one-year sections:

•   Specialization phase (1st and 2nd semester)
•   Research phase (3rd and 4th semester)

The professional specialization phase with lectures, exercises and internships serves to acquire the advanced knowledge necessary for independent productive work in physics. With special training in several sub-subjects of physics, the graduates can prepare themselves specifically for certain future fields of activity. The research phase includes seminars and a research project.

Physicists are not only sought in publicly funded or industrial laboratories or research centers, but also in engineering occupations or other areas outside physics.


Course contents

Supplemented by elective modules, the course is divided into six specializations from which three are chosen:

  • Environmental Phsics
  • Physics of the Universe
  • Photonics and Physics of Nanostructures
  • Physics of Life
  • Theoretical Physics
  • Computational Physics

Each specialization includes a research laboratory and special topics.

Language courses, an internship or courses such as philosophy, ethics or programming complement the specializations.

Key data

  • Admission requirements:
    - First B.Sc. / academic degree (3 to 4 year course) in physics or another natural science or engineering degree program
      (min. 180 CP)
    - Thereof 80 CP in physics and 20 CP in mathematics
    - language skills:  English at least level B2 (CEFR)
    - letter of motivation

  • Application deadline: July 15 (WiSe), January 15 (SoSe)

  • Beginning of the course: once a year at winter and summer semester

  • Application deadline 2nd semester (advanced students only): January 15

  • Language of tuition: English

  • ECTS credits: 120

  • Semester dues including semester ticket

  • Standard duration: 4 semesters

  • Qualification: Master of Science


Information and application

  • Admission regulations (German only)

  • Online application

  • Information on admission

  • FAQ

  • Examination regulations (MPO 2025) (binding regulations of the study progress, German only)

  • Module guide (MPO 2025) (descriptions of the lectures, German only)

  • Program scheme (MPO 2025) (German only)

Advisory Service

Study Center

For advice on:

  • Study progress

  • Admission and application

  • Start into your study program

  • Any other questions that might occur

Contact: Email


Barbara Kozák

NW1 room S0430
Phone: +49 421 218-62145

Subject-specific information and advice

Questions about:

  • Contents of the study programs

  • Recognition and accreditation of qualifications

Prof. Dr. Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer

NW1 Room S2240
Phone: +49 421 218-62105
