Working groups

Prof. Dr. M. Beetz

Artificial Intelligence


Prof. Dr. U. Bormann

Computer Networks


Prof. Dr. A. Breiter

Information Management


Ein Platzhalter Bild

Prof. Dr. R. Drechsler

Computer Architecture

Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Hahn

Digital Healthcare

Portrait Hochgeschwender

Prof. Dr. Hochgeschwender

Software Engineering for Cognitive Robots and Systems

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. F. Kirchner



Prof. Dr. M. Gogolla

Database Systems


Prof. Dr. R. Koschke



Prof. Dr. S. Maneth



Prof. Dr. R. Malaka

Digital Media


A Portrait of Prof. Dr. Mundt

Prof. Dr. Dr. B. Niehaves

Digital Public


Prof. Dr. K. Schill

Cognitive Neuroinformatics


Prof. Dr. T. Schultz

Cognitive Systems Labs



Prof. Dr. S. Siebertz

Theoretical Computer Science



Please simply click on the following names to get to the respective page:

Other Professorships (Retired  Professors, Honorary Professors, Substitute Professors)

Other researchers and lecturers (lecturers, other employees)