
MZH celebrates its 50th anniversary

The Mehrzweckhochhaus, MZH, celebrated its topping-out ceremony on March 6, 1974 and was opened a year later, in 1975. Since then, it has been an integral part of the University of Bremen and it is impossible to imagine life without it.

On January 2, 1975, the multi-purpose high-rise building is officially opened by the University of Bremen. The MZH provides 600 students and 400 administrative staff with space to work, study and exchange ideas.

The ten-storey building with a floor area of almost 10,000 square meters was designed and planned by the architects Henn and Petersen from Braunschweig in a reinforced concrete skeleton construction.

In 1971, the GW 1 and NW 1 buildings were erected as a fast-track construction project by the federal government outside the immediate campus. The second construction phase, which established the actual campus, saw the construction of the central area, buildings GW 2, NW 2, MZH, the student hall of residence, the SuUB and the technology center in the following years. The university boulevard connects the buildings to this day. One exception is the MZH, which was given a ground-level main entrance with a redesigned foyer after part of the boulevard was demolished.

Opening of the new foyer in the MZH

The renovation of the MZH foyer began on July 4, 2008 and the new foyer was officially opened on July 1, 2010. With its asymmetrical glass façade, the red foyer of the MZH has become an eye-catcher in the central area. The foyer's glass façade not only provides more light - it also visually connects the two lower levels. Here you will find work areas with 50 laptop and 30 computer workstations and six new seminar rooms for a total of 300 students.

Refurbishment of various levels

Over the last few years, several levels in the MZH have been renovated. The refurbishment of the levels was prepared by the department for a long time and carried out successively. The modernization has made the faculty fit for the future in the long term and will continue to play a central role at the University of Bremen.

Thank you MZH for your 50 years of hospitality!

A Landscape Picture of the MZH and the GW while under construction
Im August 1974 waren das GW2 und das MZH noch in Bau.
An old Landscape image of the MZH
MZH Gebäude