Thermo Element 2 High Resolution Magnetic Sector Field ICP-MS

Thermo Element 2 high resolution magnetic sector field ICP-MS allows the analysis and quantification of trace elements. The choice between 3 resolution modes: low resolution (>300), medium resolution (>4000) and high resolution (>10000) is a prerequisite to eliminate interferences in the signal and consequently the basis for a quantitative analysis at trace and ultra-trace levels in a multi-element mode.

Moreover, the multi-elemental detector has a speed that allows the monitoring of transient signals, as HPLC signals, among others. Our Element 2 is coupled to an HPLC system (Accela 600) and it is used as specific detector in the analysis of species of metalloids, as arsenic, in geological, environmental and biological samples.

We also have the possibility to couple a Thermo Scientific Trace 1310 gaschromatograph via heated transferline to the ICP mass spectrometer for the speciation of mercury. For more information see ThermoFisher Technical Note 30465

Foto mit einer Element 2 ICP-MS, davor ein Gaschromatograph mit einer HPLC. Links davon steht ein Steuerungsrechner und mehrere Probenflaschen.