
Farewell Celebration for Gerd-Rüdiger Kück

On 12th February 2013 a large number of guests drawn from the scientific and business community, politics and business converged on the campus drop tower to attend a reception held in honor of Gerd-Rüdiger Kück, who recently resigned as the University’s Director of Finance and Administration. After more than three decades at the University of Bremen, of which for 21 years he served as Director of Finance and Administration, Kück unexpectedly moved into politics in December 2012. He now holds the position of state councilor under Bremen’s new Senator for Education and Science, Eva Quante-Brandt.

The many speeches of thanks and farewell attested to the fact that Kück has shaped the development of the University like no other, steering it through turbulent times onto its successful course and laying the ground for a viable future. Reference was frequently made to his fair and modern approach to personnel development, gender equality, and HR management. He was always ‘there’ for his staff and possessed a special flair for finding swift solutions to pressing problems. In his new position as state councilor Kück will remain closely associated with the University.

You will find a special feature article on Gerd-Rüdiger Kück in the current issue of the University newspaper BUS No. 129. Find the German version as download here.

And click here for images of the farewell reception.

Grauhaariger Mann mit Brille lächelt in die Kamera.