
Mixed Reality made by Students

On Friday 13., one hour before midnight a special event starts at the depot of Bremen. Students of Computer Sciences and Digital Media at the University of Bremen invite to experience “Uncanny Video Games” [“Unheimliche Videospiele”]. The students developed seven installations for mixed reality computer games – games in which virtual and real spaces intermingle. At free admission the visitors are invited to play and deplore the installations. Of course, we don’t give away all the secrets but in one installation a virtual hole appears in the pavement and only a narrow plank leads over it. “Everybody knows that the hole is just an illusion. But it will be interesting to see how it feels like when crossing it,” says lecturer Bernard Robben, from the Technologie-Zentrum Informatik und Informationstechnik (TZI). Another installation: Via a virtual river you enter the underground of Bremen where zombies will have their grand entrance. Uncanny and interesting experiences are granted. In case of rain, the performance will take place in a large artist’s workshop nearby.

For further information please contact:

Universität Bremen
Technologiezentrum Informatik und Informationstechnik (TZI)
Bernard Robben
Phone: +49 421 218-64383
E-Mail: robbenprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Knut Köstergarten
Phone: +49 421-3800353
E-Mail: koestergartenprotect me ?!wortpiratenprotect me ?!.de

Bildmontage: Mann steht neben einem computersimulierten springenden Mann
Begegnungen der anderen Art: Besucher erleben Mixed Reality live.