
Studying Abroad Fair

To spend some time studying in a foreign country is many students’ dream, whether in the form of an internship or enrolled on a formal program of studies. Moreover, a rapidly increasingly number of career paths also call for practical or academic experience gained abroad. How, though, does a student go about securing an internship or a place at a university in New York, Sydney, Cairo or Florence?

Students will find answers to questions like these at the “Studying Abroad” fair, the first of its type to be held at the University of Bremen. The International Office of the University invites all interested persons to come along to the event, which will take place on 30th November 2011 between 10 am and 3 pm in building GW2 (main stairway). On more than 15 booths, experts will be waiting to provide information on countries, regions and funding programs and to answer any questions you may have regarding the various possibilities of studying abroad. Apart from different faculties and organizations, representatives of several student initiatives like IAESTE, AIESEC and the Erasmus Initiative will also be there to offer fellow students tips and practical advice. Parallel to the fair, the International Office will be holding workshops on a number of related topics, including “What You Need to Know about Studying Abroad”, “Internships Abroad”, and “Funding through the Erasmus Program”. You can find details here.

For further information contact:

Universität Bremen
International Office
Silke Prangemeier
Phone: 0421 218 60364
E-Mail: studybremenprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Bremen UniversitŠt Bremen Praxisbšrse 2010