
The Opinion of the Student Body Counts!

Who are our students? What aspects of studies are good or bad? What can the university do to remove barriers and improve studies? It is to find answers to these and similar questions that students are being asked to provide information on their individual situation and conditions of study. The survey will last until 4th February. It is part of a project entitled “Diversity as Opportunity”, and this is the second time within the scope of the project that students of the University of Bremen have been given the chance to voice their opinions.
The University of Bremen is one of eight universities taking part in the project “Diversity as Opportunity” started in 2010. The objective is not only to improve support for students in the area of their studies but also to highlight the aspect of diversity that they inject into university life. Educational experience and competencies, study motivations and aims, hobbies and life situations – all aspects that need to be taken into consideration in order to improve on present offers of studies. The prerequisite, though, is that the university gets to know more about the students it is dealing with. Results gathered from the first survey carried out in winter semester 2010/11 delivered the initial basis. Among other things, the second survey is intended as an evaluation of any changes already brought about as a consequence.

New in the current questionnaire: students can obtain feedback by comparing their personal results with the overall results of all those who participated in the first survey. The University of Bremen is among the 23 German universities taking part in a survey of all its students.

You can obtain more information under:


Dezernat 6 / Studentische Angelegenheiten
Christina Vocke
e-mail: diversityprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 421 218-61000