
Tickets Still Available for Children’s University Lectures

Experience first-hand how exciting research can be. From 27th and 29th of April 2011 young people will be able to do just that during the University of Bremen’s Children’s University. Not surprisingly, the event is attracting a great deal of interest: more than 1,450 tickets have already been sold, and the different laboratories and workshops are already booked out. There are, though, still a few tickets available for some of the lectures on offer. You can buy yours on Wednesday 27th April in the foyer of building NW 1.

During lectures to be held on Wednesday, young people can see how the invisible is made visible and learn why it is that so many people in the world speak English. On Thursday the physics circus is full of exciting surprises and visitors can learn how birds are able to navigate and how mathematicians create models and computer simulations. On Friday the topics include experiments under conditions of zero gravity and exotic pets in children’s bedrooms. Following the lectures children will be able to visit some 30 different laboratories and workshops where they can see what it’s like to experiment and carry out research.

The lectures begin at 10:30 a.m. in the Natural Sciences building 1 (NW 1), Otto-Hahn-Allee. Visitors to the laboratories and workshops should meet at 12:30 p.m. in the Glass Hall, the main entrance to the central area of the University. Parents are able to accompany children during the lectures – but are not permitted to attend the laboratories or workshops. Parallel to the children’s laboratories there is also a program for parents. Tickets for these events will be available from 10 a.m. in the foyer of NW 1 and from 12 p.m. in the Glass Hall, the main University entrance.

Further information can be obtained from Gisela Gründl at the Kooperationsstelle Universität - Schule, phone 0421 218-59381, e-mail gruendlprotect me ?!cevis.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de or in the Internet at

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