University Rowers Do Well in the European Championships

Three good reasons for the University of Bremen’s rowing team to rejoice: In the European University Rowing Championships in Posen, Poland, they bagged one championship title and two second places! In an exciting final, Ann-Kathrin Weber and Judith Maurer became European champions in the women’s double sculls. In the women’s coxless fours, twin sisters Lisa and Melanie Baues secured a strong second place, and Cedrik Borchers, Joos Lange, Knud Lange and Sören Dannhauer came second in the men’s eights. In one of the men’s events, Andre Müller took place 5.

In the nations ranking, Germany ended ahead of Poland on the first place. Overall, the University of Bremen came in at place 7 out of 67 all told, and was the best performing German university team.


Große Freude bei der Siegerehrung: Ann-Kathrin Weber und Judith Maurer (v.r.) wurden im Frauen-Zweier Europameisterinnen.