
What makes teaching outstanding?

This year, for the 21st time, the “unifreunde” awarded the Berninghausen Prize. The prize is awarded in recognition of outstanding achievement and exceptional commitment to academic teaching at the University of Bremen.
University members still have time until 19th February 2012 to submit their nominations to Vice Rector Prof.Heidi Schelhowe. This is easily done by completing the questionnaire linked to the Stud.IP homepage. The award winners will then be selected by a joint committee, and the award-winning ceremony will take place in summer. The prize is awarded in three categories: “Introductory Module”, “Teaching Project”, and “Student Evaluation”. The latter is awarded solely on the basis of student votes. The nominated teaching achievements are assessed according to fixed criteria.

The prize, which is worth € 6,000, is named after its sponsor and former chairman of the “unifreunde”, Friedo Berninghausen, who is a generous supporter of the “unifreunde“ as well as the university.

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