
Workshop on RDM in Health Psychology

This September the annual EHPS conference took place at the University of Bremen. The program also included a workshop on research data management in health psychology which was conducted by DSC Data Steward Dr. Sandra Zänkert.

Once every year the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) invites psychologist from all over Europe to its annual conference. This year, the 37th conference was held from September 4 to 8 at the University of Bremen. The event took place under the motto “Health Psychology for all: Equity, Inclusiveness and Transformation”. The EHPS conference serves to promote international collaboration and encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences of psychologists in the field.

Part of the EHPS conference program was a workshop on the topic of research data management (RDM) in health psychology which was conducted by DSC Data Steward Dr. Sandra Zänkert. The one-day workshop with the title “An Introduction to Research Data Management - Challenges and Opportunities in Health Psychology” was aimed at PhD students and Postdocs working with health-related data.

Working with health data in research is often particularly challenging and can give rise to many questions. What do scientists have to consider when dealing with health data? How can researchers ensure the security of sensitive, personal data? Which legal frameworks and conditions need to be taken into account when working with health-related data?

The goal of the workshop was to give participants an introduction into the topic of research data management as well as the implementation of the FAIR principles. The workshop’s agenda included not only possible challenges but also new opportunities arising with Big Data and machine learning applications. Furthermore, participants were able to try out some tools and resources that help with the FAIRification of datasets. These included, for example, a tool which is used for data anonymization.

In addition, the workshop allowed everyone to ask questions about their own research projects and data. Since the participants came from different countries all over Europe, diverse experiences were exchanged and discussed together.

More information on the 37th EHPS conference in Bremen can be found »here. The next conference will take place in September 2024 in Cascais Portugal.


Please contact us if you have any questions:

Dr. Lena Steinmann
DSC Coordinator
Tel. +49 (421) 218 - 63941
lena.steinmannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Related Links:

Website EHPS Conference 2023